nLab Seifert fibration



A Seifert 3-manifold is a 3-manifold which is the total space of a circle-fiber bundle (circle bundle) over a 2-dimensional orbifold. Since the circle-fibration structure may not be unique, one also speaks, more explicitly, of Seifert-fibered manifolds.

If already the total space is a 3-orbifold, one correspondingly speaks of a Seifert orbifold etc. (e.g. Mecchia & Seppi 2020 Def. 2.6).

Fully generally one speaks of Seifert fibrations.

(Beware that there is also the un-related notion of Seifert surfaces, also considered in higher dimensions: These are coboundaries of knots.)

Accordingly, a general Seifert fibration is locally an orbifold quotient fibration of the form

(D 2×S 1) npr D 2 nD 2 n, \big( D^2 \times S^1 \big) \sslash \mathbb{Z}_n \xrightarrow{ pr_{D^2} \sslash \mathbb{Z}_n } D^2 \sslash \mathbb{Z}_n \,,

where the cyclic group n/n\mathbb{Z}_n \coloneqq \mathbb{Z}/n acts diagonally via rotations by

  1. the angle 2π1a2\pi\tfrac{1}{a} on the 2-disk D 2={z||z|<1}D^2 = \big\{ z \in \mathbb{C} \,\big\vert\, {\vert z\vert} \lt 1 \big\},

  2. an angle 2πba-2\pi\tfrac{b}{a} on the circle S 1{ξ||ξ|=1}S^1 \simeq \big\{ \xi \in \mathbb{C} \,\big\vert\, {\vert \xi \vert} = 1 \big\},

(z,ξ)(zq,ξq b),qexp(2πi1a). (z, \xi) \,\sim\, \big( z \, q ,\, \xi \, q^{-b} \big) \,, \;\;\;\; q \coloneqq \exp\big(2\pi \mathrm{i} \tfrac{1}{a}\big) \,.

with a,ba,b \in \mathbb{Z}, a2a \geq 2 (not necessarily coprime), their fraction b/ab/a also called the slope modulo 1 of the fibration at this point:

This orbifold quotient is a non-singular (Seifert-fibered) smooth manifold iff aa and bb are coprime integers, otherwise it is an orbifold whose orbi-singular (fixed) locus has isotropy group gcd\mathbb{Z}_{gcd} determined by the greatest common divisor gcdgcd(a,b)gcd \coloneqq gcd(a,b).

(Bonahon & Siebenmann 2010 p 36 (18 of 67))

Beware that there is also the un-related concept of


Seifert 3-manifolds

The original article:

  • Herbert Seifert: Topology of 3-dimensional fibered spaces, in: A textbook of topology, Pure Appl. Math. 89, Academic Press (1980) 139–152 [pdf]

Lecture notes:

  • Mark Jankins, Walter Neumann: Lectures on Seifert Manifolds, Brandeis University (1981) [pdf, pdf]


Further survery:

Discussion via diffeological spaces:

See also:

Seifert 3-orbifolds

Generalization to the case that already the total space is an orbifold (not just its S 1S^1-quotient):

See also:

In field theory

On the 3d-3d correspondence for Seifert manifolds:

Claim of geometric engineering of topological order on M5-branes in the guise of fusion categories:

See also:

  • Nathan Paul Moore: String Theory, Chern-Simons Theory and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, PhD thesis (2014) [spire:1783390]

Last revised on February 14, 2025 at 16:08:05. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.