Schreiber Abelian Anyons on Flux-Quantized M5-Branes

An article that we are finalizing at CQTS:

Abstract. While fractional quantum Hall systems provide the best experimental evidence yet of (abelian) anyons plausibly necessary for future fault-tolerant quantum computation, like all strongly-coupled quantum systems their physics is not deeply understood. But, generally a promising approach is to (holographically) realize such systems on branes in string/M-theory; and specifically an old argument by Hellerman & Susskind gives a sketch of fractional quantum Hall states arising via discrete light cone quantization of M5/M9-brane intersections.

Here we present a rigorous derivation of abelian anyon quantum states on M5\perpMO9-branes (“open M5-branes”) on the discrete light cone, after globally completing the traditional local field content on the M5-worldvolume via a flux-quantization law compatible with the ambient 11d supergravity, specifically taken to be in unstable co-Homotopy cohomology (“Hypothesis H”).

The main step in the proof uses a theorem of Okuyama to identify co-Homotopy moduli spaces with configuration spaces of strings with charged endpoints and identifies their loop spaces with cobordism of framed links that, under topological light cone quantization, turn out to be identified with the regularized Wilson loops of abelian Chern-Simons theory.

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Last revised on September 6, 2024 at 16:33:11. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.