model category, model -category
Universal constructions
Producing new model structures
Presentation of -categories
Model structures
for -groupoids
on chain complexes/model structure on cosimplicial abelian groups
related by the Dold-Kan correspondence
for equivariant -groupoids
for rational -groupoids
for rational equivariant -groupoids
for -groupoids
for -groups
for -algebras
general -algebras
specific -algebras
for stable/spectrum objects
for -categories
for stable -categories
for -operads
for -categories
for -sheaves / -stacks
With braiding
With duals for objects
category with duals (list of them)
dualizable object (what they have)
ribbon category, a.k.a. tortile category
With duals for morphisms
monoidal dagger-category?
With traces
Closed structure
Special sorts of products
Internal monoids
In higher category theory
symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
Let be symmetric monoidal category and the category of commutative monoids in . When is further a model category, there are certain conditions under which there is an induced model structure on , where the weak equivalences and fibrations are defined as in .
Recall that can be described as the category of algebras over an operad over the operad Comm. If the operad Comm were cofibrant, then for the existence of the induced model structure on it would be sufficient to require the monoid axiom, and to use the model structure on algebras over an operad as discussed there. However Comm is in general not cofibrant, and this is the distinction between Comm and the E-infinity operad: the latter is a cofibrant replacement of the former. This is why the model structure on commutative monoids may not always exist even when the model structure on E-infinity monoids in a symmetric monoidal model category does.
For example, take to be the category of chain complexes over a field of positive characteristic. Then the category of commutative monoids in is the category of commutative dg-algebras. This does not have an induced model structure, as explained in MO/23885/2503.
See Rectification for some results on when the model structures on E-infinity monoids and commutative monoids are Quillen equivalent, though.
Let be a symmetric monoidal model category and let denote the category of commutative monoids in the underlying category of . Define a weak equivalence (resp. fibration) of commutative monoids to be a weak equivalence (resp. fibration) of the underlying objects of . Below we will give sufficient conditions for this to define a model structure on .
Suppose that
is combinatorial,
is freely powered, i.e.
satisfies the monoid axiom in a monoidal model category,
is left proper and …
every cofibration in is a power cofibration, i.e. …
Then the category is a combinatorial model category with weak equivalences and fibrations as defined above.
See (Lurie, Proposition
Next we state a more general version of this result, for which we will require some set-theoretic assumptions. Suppose that is cofibrantly generated by a set of cofibrations and a set of trivial cofibrations . Let -cell denote the closure of under cobase change and transfinite composition, and similarly for -cell.
Suppose that
is cofibrantly generated by a set of cofibrations and a set of fibrations ,
the domains of the morphisms in (resp. ) are small objects relative to -cell (resp. -cell),
satisfies the monoid axiom in a monoidal model category
satisfies the commutative monoid axiom, i.e. …
Then the category is a cofibrantly generated model category with weak equivalences and fibrations as defined above.
If is further simplicial (resp. combinatorial, tractable), then so is .
See (White 14, Theorem 3.2).
Rectification of -monoids is the question of whether the weak equivalence between the operads Comm and the E-infinity operad induces a Quillen equivalence on the model categories of algebras. Since the model category of algebras over an operad over the E-infinity operad is a presentation of the (infinity,1)-category of commutative monoids in a symmetric monoidal (infinity,1)-category, rectification for is equivalent to saying that the (infinity,1)-category presented by the model structure on commutative monoids is equivalent to the (infinity,1)-category of commutative monoids in a symmetric monoidal (infinity,1)-category in the symmetric monoidal (infinity,1)-category presented by .
The following cases are particularly interesting.
Rectification holds in the model category of symmetric spectra.
It does not hold in the model category of simplicial sets or in the model category of simplicial abelian groups.
See Lurie Theorem for sufficient conditions for rectification to hold. See also White 14 Paragraph 4.2 for more discussion.
A general rectification criterion for symmetric monoidal model categories is formulated in PS 14, Proposition 10.1.2 and Theorem 9.3.6. It says that given a tractable symmetric monoidal model category that satisfies a certain compact generatedness assumption with a morphism of admissible operads? (e.g., , ), the Quillen adjunction between -monoids and -monoids induced by the morphism of operads is a Quillen equivalence if and only if for any cofibration and any the morphism is a weak equivalence, where denotes the pushout product with respect to the monoidal structure.
model structure on E-infinity monoids in a symmetric monoidal model category
commutative monoid in a symmetric monoidal (infinity,1)-category
David White, Model Structures on Commutative Monoids in General Model Categories, arXiv:1403.6759.
Dmitri Pavlov, Jakob Scholbach: Admissibility and rectification of colored symmetric operads, Journal of Topology 11 3 (2018) 559-601 [arXiv:1410.5675, doi:10.1112/topo.12008]
Last revised on March 23, 2025 at 04:52:51. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.