homotopy theory, (∞,1)-category theory, homotopy type theory
flavors: stable, equivariant, rational, p-adic, proper, geometric, cohesive, directed…
models: topological, simplicial, localic, …
see also algebraic topology
Paths and cylinders
Homotopy groups
Basic facts
geometric representation theory
representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation
Grothendieck group, lambda-ring, symmetric function, formal group
principal bundle, torsor, vector bundle, Atiyah Lie algebroid
Eilenberg-Moore category, algebra over an operad, actegory, crossed module
group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
differential cohomology
The global orbit category is the unification of all -orbit categories as the groups are allowed to vary.
The (∞,1)-presheaves over the global orbit category provide the base (∞,1)-topos over which the global equivariant homotopy theory (see there) is a cohesive (∞,1)-topos (Rezk 14).
The following defines the global equivariant indexing category .
Write for the (∞,1)-category whose
(∞,1)-categorical hom-spaces are the geometric realizations of the Lie groupoid of smooth functors and smooth natural transformations .
Equivalent models for the global indexing category, def. include the category “” of (May 90). Another variant is of (Schwede 13).
The following is the global orbit category.
for the non-full sub-(∞,1)-category of the global indexing category, def. , on the injective group homomorphisms.
The slice (∞,1)-category of the global orbit category (the version with faithful functors as morphisms) over is the local orbit category of
The (∞,1)-category of (∞,1)-presheaves over the global orbit category is that of orbispaces.
Accordingly, by the discussion here, the slice (∞,1)-topos of orbispaces over is that of G-spaces
(where the last step is Elmendorf's theorem).
The (∞,1)-category of (∞,1)-presheaves on the global equivariant indexing category is the global equivariant homotopy theory and under the canonical projection is a cohesive (∞,1)-topos over ∞Grpd. Its slice (∞,1)-topos over the terminal orbispace is cohesive over orbispaces
cohesive relation between global- and G-equivariant homotopy theory?
Rezk-global equivariant homotopy theory:
André Henriques, David Gepner, Homotopy Theory of Orbispaces (arXiv:math/0701916)
Jacob Lurie, Section 3 of Elliptic cohomology III: Tempered Cohomology (pdf)
See also
Stefan Schwede, Global homotopy theory, 2013 (pdf)
Peter May, Some remarks on equivariant bundles and classifying spaces, Asterisque 191 (1990), 7, 239-253. International Conference on Homotopy Theory (Marseille-Luminy, 1988).
Last revised on October 8, 2021 at 06:33:45. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.