nLab multivalued partial function


Type theory

natural deduction metalanguage, practical foundations

  1. type formation rule
  2. term introduction rule
  3. term elimination rule
  4. computation rule

type theory (dependent, intensional, observational type theory, homotopy type theory)

syntax object language

computational trinitarianism =
propositions as types +programs as proofs +relation type theory/category theory

logicset theory (internal logic of)category theorytype theory
predicatefamily of setsdisplay morphismdependent type
proofelementgeneralized elementterm/program
cut rulecomposition of classifying morphisms / pullback of display mapssubstitution
introduction rule for implicationcounit for hom-tensor adjunctionlambda
elimination rule for implicationunit for hom-tensor adjunctionapplication
cut elimination for implicationone of the zigzag identities for hom-tensor adjunctionbeta reduction
identity elimination for implicationthe other zigzag identity for hom-tensor adjunctioneta conversion
truesingletonterminal object/(-2)-truncated objecth-level 0-type/unit type
falseempty setinitial objectempty type
proposition, truth valuesubsingletonsubterminal object/(-1)-truncated objecth-proposition, mere proposition
logical conjunctioncartesian productproductproduct type
disjunctiondisjoint union (support of)coproduct ((-1)-truncation of)sum type (bracket type of)
implicationfunction set (into subsingleton)internal hom (into subterminal object)function type (into h-proposition)
negationfunction set into empty setinternal hom into initial objectfunction type into empty type
universal quantificationindexed cartesian product (of family of subsingletons)dependent product (of family of subterminal objects)dependent product type (of family of h-propositions)
existential quantificationindexed disjoint union (support of)dependent sum ((-1)-truncation of)dependent sum type (bracket type of)
logical equivalencebijection setobject of isomorphismsequivalence type
support setsupport object/(-1)-truncationpropositional truncation/bracket type
n-image of morphism into terminal object/n-truncationn-truncation modality
equalitydiagonal function/diagonal subset/diagonal relationpath space objectidentity type/path type
completely presented setsetdiscrete object/0-truncated objecth-level 2-type/set/h-set
setset with equivalence relationinternal 0-groupoidBishop set/setoid with its pseudo-equivalence relation an actual equivalence relation
equivalence class/quotient setquotientquotient type
inductioncolimitinductive type, W-type, M-type
higher inductionhigher colimithigher inductive type
-0-truncated higher colimitquotient inductive type
coinductionlimitcoinductive type
presettype without identity types
set of truth valuessubobject classifiertype of propositions
domain of discourseuniverseobject classifiertype universe
modalityclosure operator, (idempotent) monadmodal type theory, monad (in computer science)
linear logic(symmetric, closed) monoidal categorylinear type theory/quantum computation
proof netstring diagramquantum circuit
(absence of) contraction rule(absence of) diagonalno-cloning theorem
synthetic mathematicsdomain specific embedded programming language

homotopy levels




In dependent type theory, given types AA and BB, a multivalued partial function or partial multivalued function from AA to BB is a type family x:AP(x)x:A \vdash P(x) with a function

f:( x:AP(x))Bf:\left(\sum_{x:A} P(x)\right) \to B

or equivalently by currying,

f: x:AP(x)Bf:\prod_{x:A} P(x) \to B

or equivalently

x:A,p:P(x)f(x,p):Bx:A, p:P(x) \vdash f(x, p):B


In dependent type theory, correspondences are type families x:A,y:BR(x,y)x:A, y:B \vdash R(x, y), and spans are types CC with functions x:Cg A(x):Ax:C \vdash g_A(x):A and x:Cg B(x):Bx:C \vdash g_B(x):B. Correspondences and spans are interdefinable with multivalued partial functions:

  • From every span one could get a multivalued partial function by defining the type family x:AP(x)x:A \vdash P(x) as P(x) y:Cg(y)= AxP(x) \coloneqq \sum_{y:C} g(y) =_A x and the family of elements x:A,p:P(x)f(x,p):Bx:A, p:P(x) \vdash f(x, p):B as f(x,p)h(π 1(p))f(x, p) \coloneqq h(\pi_1(p)).

  • From every multivalued partial function one could get a span by defining the type CC as C x:AP(x)C \coloneqq \sum_{x:A} P(x) and the family of elements x:Cg(x):Ax:C \vdash g(x):A as g(x)π 1(x)g(x) \coloneqq \pi_1(x).

  • From every multivalued partial function one could get a correspondence by defining the type family x:A,y:BR(x,y)x:A, y:B \vdash R(x, y) as R(x,y) p:P(x)f(x,p)= ByR(x, y) \coloneqq \sum_{p:P(x)} f(x, p) =_B y.

  • From every correspondence one could get a multivalued partial function by defining the type family x:AP(x)x:A \vdash P(x) as P(x) y:BR(x,y)P(x) \coloneqq \sum_{y:B} R(x, y), and the family of elements x:A,p:P(x)h(x,p):Bx:A, p:P(x) \vdash h(x, p):B as h(x,p)π 1(p)h(x, p) \coloneqq \pi_1(p)

  • From every span one could get a correspondence by defining the type family x:A,y:BR(x,y)x:A, y:B \vdash R(x, y) as R(x,y) z:C(g(z)= Ax)×(h(z)= By)R(x, y) \coloneqq \sum_{z:C} (g(z) =_A x) \times (h(z) =_B y).

  • From every correspondence one could get a span by defining the type CC as C x:A y:BR(x,y)C \coloneqq \sum_{x:A} \sum_{y:B} R(x, y), the family of elements z:Cg(z):Az:C \vdash g(z):A as g(z)π 1(z)g(z) \coloneqq \pi_1(z), and the function z:Ch(z):Bz:C \vdash h(z):B as h(z)π 1(π 2(z))h(z) \coloneqq \pi_1(\pi_2(z))


Dependent multivalued partial functions

In the same way that there is a notion of dependent function in addition to (non-dependent) function in dependent type theory, there is also a notion of dependent multivalued partial functions in addition to non-dependent multivalued partial functions.

In dependent type theory, given a type AA and a type family x:AB(x)x:A \vdash B(x), a dependent multivalued partial function or dependent partial multivalued function from AA to BB is a type family x:AP(x)x:A \vdash P(x) with a dependent function

f: x:AP(x)B(x)f:\prod_{x:A} P(x) \to B(x)

or equivalently

x:A,p:P(x)f(x,p):B(x)x:A, p:P(x) \vdash f(x, p):B(x)

See also

Last revised on January 7, 2023 at 04:42:37. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.