(in category theory/type theory/computer science)
of all homotopy types
of (-1)-truncated types/h-propositions
natural deduction metalanguage, practical foundations
type theory (dependent, intensional, observational type theory, homotopy type theory)
computational trinitarianism =
propositions as types +programs as proofs +relation type theory/category theory
In type theory a type of propositions — typically denoted or — corresponds, under categorical semantics, roughly to a subobject classifier.
(To be precise, depending on the type theoretic rules and axioms this may not be quite true: one needs propositional resizing, propositional extensionality, and — in some type theories where “proposition” is not defined as an h-proposition, such as the calculus of constructions — the principle of unique choice.)
Its generalization from propositions to general types is a type universe.
The subtypes of a type may typically be identified with the function types into the type of propositions
In dependent type theory such a is equivalently an -dependent proposition, to be understood as assingning to any term the assertion that “ is contained in the given subtype”.
There are many different ways of defining the isProp modality in dependent type theory. Some of them include
We shall be agnostic about the different definitions of , and just directly use .
The type of all propositions in a dependent type theory could be presented either as a Russell universe or a Tarski universe. The difference between the two is that in the former, every mere proposition in the type theory is literally an element of the type of all propositions, while in the latter, elements of are only indices of a (-1)-truncated type family ; every mere proposition in the type theory is only essentially -small for weak Tarski universes or judgmentally equal to an for for strict Tarski universes.
As a strict Tarski universe, the type of all propositions is given by the following natural deduction inference rules:
Formation rules for the type of all propositions:
Introduction rules for the type of all propositions:
Elimination rules for the type of all propositions:
Computation rules for the type of all propositions:
Uniqueness rules for the type of all propositions:
Judgmental computation rules:
Typal computation rules:
Extensionality principle of the type of all propositions:
As a weak Tarski universe, the type of all propositions is given by the following natural deduction inference rules:
Formation rules for the type of all propositions:
Introduction rules for the type of all propositions:
Elimination rules for the type of all propositions:
Computation rules for the type of all propositions:
where the equivalence
can always be constructed in a type theory with dependent product types, dependent sum types, and identity types, and function extensionality, as given types and and an equivalence , it is always possible to form the equivalence
For example, for defined as the dependent product type , we have that the application of the equivalence to identifications is itself an equivalence:
Then by the typal congruence rules of dependent function types, there is an equivalence
And for any other definition of , we have an equivalence for type , and so there is an equivalence
Uniqueness rules for the type of all propositions:
Judgmental computation rules:
Typal computation rules:
Extensionality principle of the type of all propositions:
As a Russell universe, the type of all propositions is given by the following natural deduction inference rules:
Formation rules for the type of all propositions:
Introduction rules for the type of all propositions:
Elimination rules for the type of all propositions:
Computation rules for the type of all propositions:
Uniqueness rules for the type of all propositions:
Judgmental computation rules:
Typal computation rules:
Extensionality principle for the type of all propositions:
Other types of propositions include
the boolean domain, which is the type of decidable propositions.
any dominance, which is the type of open propositions, or the type of semi-decidable propositions.
For a Russell universe , the type is the type of -small propositions. Similarly, for a Tarski universe , the type is the type of -small propositions
sProp, which is the type of strict propositions
any contractible type, which is (equivalent to) the type of pointed propositions or the type of contractible types.
In general, these types of propositions can also be distinguished between their Russell and Tarski variants, where elements of the type of propositions are actual types, or indices for the type family .
Most generally, a type of propositions is a type with a type family such that
is an equivalence of types for all elements and
These axioms imply that satisfy propositional extensionality and thus that is an h-set.
In this section, we assume that function extensionality or weak function extensionality is true for all dependent function types.
For Russell types of all propositions, the type is the empty type , which by weak function extensionality is a proposition, so is already in the type of all propositions . Similarly, for Tarski types of all propositions, the type is the empty type, which by weak function extensionality is a proposition, and so one has the element .
In either case, the definition implies that if the empty type has an element, then every proposition has an element and is thus contractible. This implies that the empty type represents falsehood in the type of all propositions.
The type of pointed propositions is given by the type for Russell types of propositions and for Tarski types of propositions, and because pointed propositions are contractible types, pointed propositions are equivalent to each other, and thus by the extensionality principle of , they are equal to each other; thus, the type of pointed propositions is a proposition.
Because is itself a proposition, is an element of itself, and thus a pointed proposition and a contractible type. This implies that the type of pointed propositions represents truth in the type of all propositions.
Given the type of all propositions and given a type , the propositional truncation of a type , which turns into an element of , is given for Russell types of all propositions by the type
and for Tarski types of all propositions by the type
By weak function extensionality, both of these types are propositions.
Given any type and family of propositions indexed by , by weak function extensionality, the dependent function type is also a proposition. This means that the propositional truncation of is equivalent to , and the dependent function type is used as the universal quantifier.
More generally, given any type and family of propositions indexed by , the universal quantifier is given by propositional truncation of the dependent product type:
Given any proposition and , by weak function extensionality, the function type is also a proposition. This means that the propositional truncation of is equivalent to , and the function type is used as implication. If is the empty type or falsehood defined above, then the function type represents the negation of , .
More generally, given any type and , implication is given by propositional truncation of the function type:
Given any proposition and , by weak function extensionality, the equivalence type is also a proposition. This means that the propositional truncation of is equivalent to , and the equivalence type is used as the biconditional.
More generally, given any type and , the biconditional is given by propositional truncation of the equivalence type:
Given any type and family of types indexed by , the existential quantifier is given by the type
for Russell types of propositions and
for Tarski types of propositions.
If the type theory also has dependent sum types, the existential quantifier is equivalently given by the propositional truncation of the dependent sum type
since by currying there is an equivalence
Given types and , the conjunction of and is given by the type
for Russell types of propositions and
for Tarski types of propositions.
If the type theory also has product types, the existential quantifier is equivalently given by the propositional truncation of the product type
since by currying there is an equivalence
Given types and , the disjunction of and is given by the type
for Russell types of propositions and
for Tarski types of propositions.
If the type theory also has product types, the existential quantifier is equivalently given by the type
for Russell types of propositions and
for Tarski types of propositions,
and if the type theory also has coproduct types, the existential quantifier is equivalently given by the propositional truncation of the coproduct type
since by currying there is an equivalence
A decidable proposition is a proposition with a witness that the disjunction of and its negation holds.
The type of booleans is the type of all decidable propositions in ,
for Russell types of propositions, and
for Tarski types of propositions.
The law of excluded middle states that every proposition is decidable , or equivalently that there is an equivalence between the type of propositions and the type of booleans.
Given a universe of all propositions , impredicative polymorphism of is equivalent to weak function extensionality.
More generally, a universe of propositions has impredicative polymorphism if and only if is closed under dependent product types of predicates valued in .
Any universe of propositions satisfying propositional resizing is a contractible type.
Given a universe of propositions , the type of all propositions in is itself. Then propositional resizing says that has an element such that its type reflection is itself. This implies that itself a mere proposition by definition of universe of proposiions, which implies that is a contractible type by the element and the fact that for all other elements , .
Any universe of propositions closed under the empty type does not satisfy propositional resizing.
Suppose that is closed under the empty type represented in by the element , and satisfies propositional resizing. Then one has that since is a mere proposition, and by transport one has , but since is contractible by propositional resizing, the empty type is also contractible, which is false.
The universe of all propositions does not satisfy propositional resizing.
The categorical semantics of the type of all propositions is the subobject classifier.
local propositional resizing?
Detailed discussion of the type of propositions in Coq is in
Last revised on December 20, 2024 at 03:57:57. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.