natural deduction metalanguage, practical foundations
type theory (dependent, intensional, observational type theory, homotopy type theory)
computational trinitarianism =
propositions as types +programs as proofs +relation type theory/category theory
For all , -truncation is a modality (in homotopy type theory).
The following applies to dependent type theory with suspension types and localizations, such as to standard homotopy type theory.
(-sphere type )
is the empty type,
(the 0-sphere) is the boolean domain type
is the suspension type of the sphere type of dimension lower.
The -truncation modality may also be defined to be the localization at the unique function from the -dimensional sphere type (Def. ) to the unit type
By definition, the type of functions is an equivalence of types.
The following are the inference rules for the -truncation of a given regarded as a higher inductive type according to UFP13, §7.3, p. 223 (the diagram indicates the categorical semantics, for orientation):
-truncation is the unit type modality (constant on the unit type).
-truncation is given by forming bracket types, turning types into genuine propositions.
Classically, this is the same as the double negation modality; in general, the bracket type only entails the double negation :
there is a canonical function
and this is a 1-epimorphism precisely if the law of excluded middle holds.
homotopy level | n-truncation | homotopy theory | higher category theory | higher topos theory | homotopy type theory |
h-level 0 | (-2)-truncated | contractible space | (-2)-groupoid | true/unit type/contractible type | |
h-level 1 | (-1)-truncated | contractible-if-inhabited | (-1)-groupoid/truth value | (0,1)-sheaf/ideal | mere proposition/h-proposition |
h-level 2 | 0-truncated | homotopy 0-type | 0-groupoid/set | sheaf | h-set |
h-level 3 | 1-truncated | homotopy 1-type | 1-groupoid/groupoid | (2,1)-sheaf/stack | h-groupoid |
h-level 4 | 2-truncated | homotopy 2-type | 2-groupoid | (3,1)-sheaf/2-stack | h-2-groupoid |
h-level 5 | 3-truncated | homotopy 3-type | 3-groupoid | (4,1)-sheaf/3-stack | h-3-groupoid |
h-level | -truncated | homotopy n-type | n-groupoid | (n+1,1)-sheaf/n-stack | h--groupoid |
h-level | untruncated | homotopy type | ∞-groupoid | (∞,1)-sheaf/∞-stack | h--groupoid |
Construction of -truncation as a one-step higher inductive type in homotopy type theory:
Alternative construction of -truncation as an iterated pushout type is (somewhat implicit) in:
Discussion of -truncation as a modality:
and in addition via lifting properties against n-spheres:
Earlier discussion (and in view of homotopy levels):
Precursor discussion of the material that became UFP (2013, §7.3):
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, Reducing all HIT’s to 1-HIT’s (May 2012) [blog posy]
Guillaume Brunerie, Truncations and higher inductive types (September 2012) [blog post]
and precursur discussion of the material that became RSS (2020):
Mike Shulman, Higher modalities, talk at UF-IAS-2012 (October 2012) [pdf]
Mike Shulman, All modalities are Higher Inductive Types (November 2012) [blog post]
Considering the combination of -truncation modality and shape modality:
Last revised on February 20, 2024 at 12:44:33. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.