transfinite arithmetic, cardinal arithmetic, ordinal arithmetic
prime field, p-adic integer, p-adic rational number, p-adic complex number
arithmetic geometry, function field analogy
While in general, fields are non-trivial rings, it is sometimes useful in commutative algebra for the trivial ring to be a regarded as a field. Thus, the idea of a possibly trivial field.
Let be a commutative ring, let be the monoid of regular elements in , let be the complement of , the set of zero divisors in , and let be the two-sided ideal generated by .
A possibly trivial field is a commutative ring such that
every element in is a unit, or that the localization is isomorphic to .
every element in is equal to zero, or that the quotient ring is isomorphic to .
If is the trivial ring, is the empty subset, the ideal generated by the empty subset is the trivial ideal , and is always isomorphic to .
Alternatively, one can define possibly trivial fields using a weakened version of negation from Lombardi & Quitté 2010 in the definition of an field:
A possibly trivial field is a commutative ring such that for all elements , if being a invertible element implies that , then .
Let be a commutative ring, let be the monoid of regular elements in , let be the complement of , the set of zero divisors in , and let be the two-sided ideal generated by .
There are two operations one could do to a commutative ring , taking the quotient by , and localizing at . Taking the quotient by results in a possibly trivial integral domain , while localizing at results in a prefield ring, the ring of fractions . The operations are commutative: first taking the quotient by then localizing at and first localizing at then taking the quotient by results in isomorphic possibly trivial fields, because no element is both a zero divisor and regular.
Thus, one has a functor which takes a commutative ring to its ring of fractions, and a functor taking a commutative ring to its quotient possibly trivial integral domain, and because the category of prefield rings and the category of possibly trivial integral domains are subcategories of the category of commutative rings, there are also subfunctors and where and . The functors form a commutative square with natural isomorphism :
In constructive mathematics, the notion of field bifurcates into multiple notions. The definition given above results in a possibly trivial weak Heyting field. However, there are also possibly trivial Heyting fields and possibly trivial discrete fields.
A possibly trivial field is Heyting if, whenever the sum of two elements is invertible, then either is invertible or is invertible. These are simply called Heyting fields in LombardiQuitté2010.
A possibly trivial field is discrete if every element is either zero or invertible. These are simply called discrete fields in LombardiQuitté2010. Possibly trivial discrete fields have decidable equality.
The concept of a possibly trivial field appeared in
where the possibly trivial Heyting fields are called “Heyting fields” and the possibly trivial discrete field are called “discrete fields”.
Last revised on January 18, 2025 at 17:35:23. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.