natural deduction metalanguage, practical foundations
hypothetical judgement, sequent
type theory (dependent, intensional, observational type theory, homotopy type theory)
syntax object language
theory, axiom
proposition/type (propositions as types)
definition/proof/program (proofs as programs)
computational trinitarianism = propositions as types +programs as proofs +relation type theory/category theory
homotopy levels
type theory
2-type theory, 2-categorical logic
homotopy type theory, homotopy type theory - contents
homotopy type
univalence, function extensionality, internal logic of an (∞,1)-topos
cohesive homotopy type theory
directed homotopy type theory
HoTT methods for homotopy theorists
internal logic, categorical semantics
internal logic of a topos
Mitchell-Benabou language
Kripke-Joyal semantics
internal logic of an (∞,1)-topos
Edit this sidebar
category theory
natural transformation
universal construction
representable functor
adjoint functor
weighted limit
Kan extension
Yoneda lemma
Isbell duality
Grothendieck construction
adjoint functor theorem
monadicity theorem
adjoint lifting theorem
Tannaka duality
Gabriel-Ulmer duality
small object argument
Freyd-Mitchell embedding theorem
relation between type theory and category theory
sheaf and topos theory
enriched category theory
higher category theory
In homotopy type theory a preallegory is a dagger precategory CC such that
for each object a:Ob(C)a:Ob(C) and b:Ob(C)b:Ob(C) there is a function
such that for each morphism f:Mor C(a,b)f:Mor_C(a, b), g:Mor C(a,b)g:Mor_C(a, b), and h:Mor C(a,b)h:Mor_C(a, b) there are identifications
for each object a:Ob(C)a:Ob(C) and b:Ob(C)b:Ob(C) and morphism f:Mor C(a,b)f:Mor_C(a, b) and g:Mor C(a,b)g:Mor_C(a, b) there is a function
for each object a:Ob(C)a:Ob(C), b:Ob(C)b:Ob(C), and c:Ob(C)c:Ob(C) and morphism f:Mor C(a,b)f:Mor_C(a, b), g:Mor C(b,c)g:Mor_C(b, c), and h:Mor C(a,c)h:Mor_C(a, c), there is an identification
dagger precategory
Created on September 18, 2022 at 17:30:20. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.