geometric representation theory
representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation
Grothendieck group, lambda-ring, symmetric function, formal group
principal bundle, torsor, vector bundle, Atiyah Lie algebroid
Eilenberg-Moore category, algebra over an operad, actegory, crossed module
symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
rational homotopy theory (equivariant, stable, parametrized, equivariant & stable, parametrized & stable)
Examples of Sullivan models in rational homotopy theory:
Equivariant Sullivan models are equivariant dgc-algebras that generalize the Sullivan model dgc-algebras in rational homotopy theory to equivariant rational homotopy theory.
Triantafillou 82, Construction 5.10, Scull 01, Section 11, Scull 08, Section 4
Georgia Triantafillou, Equivariant minimal models, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. vol 274 pp 509-532 (1982) (jstor:1999119)
Laura Scull, Rational -equivariant homotopy theory, Transactions of the AMS, Volume 354, Number 1, Pages 1-45 2001 (pdf, doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-01-02790-8)
Laura Scull, A model category structure for equivariant algebraic models, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 360 (5), 2505-2525, 2008 (doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-07-04421-2)
For cyclic groups:
Last revised on October 12, 2020 at 16:25:38. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.