∞-Lie theory (higher geometry)
Smooth structure
Higher groupoids
Lie theory
∞-Lie groupoids
∞-Lie algebroids
Formal Lie groupoids
Related topics
-Lie groupoids
-Lie groups
-Lie algebroids
-Lie algebras
Riemann integration, Lebesgue integration
line integral/contour integration
integration of differential forms
integration over supermanifolds, Berezin integral, fermionic path integral
Kontsevich integral, Selberg integral, elliptic Selberg integral
integration in ordinary differential cohomology
integration in differential K-theory
Lie integration is a process that assigns to a Lie algebra – or more generally to an ∞-Lie algebra or ∞-Lie algebroid – a Lie group – or more generally ∞-Lie groupoid – that is infinitesimally modeled by . It is essentially the reverse operation to Lie differentiation, except that there are in general several objects Lie integrating a given Lie algebraic datum, due to the fact that the infinitesimal data does not uniquely determine global topological properties.
Classically, Lie integration of Lie algebras is part of Lie's three theorems, which in particular finds an unique (up to isomorphism) simply connected Lie group integrating a given finite-dimensional Lie algebra.
One may observe that the simply connected Lie group integrating a (finite-dimensional) Lie algebra is equivalently realized as the collection of equivalence classes of Lie algebra valued 1-forms on the interval where two such are identified if they are interpolated by a flat Lie-algebra valued 1-form on the disk. (Duistermaat-Kolk 00, section 1.14, see also the example below).
This path method of Lie integration stands out as having natural generalizations to higher Lie theory (Ševera 01).
In its evident generalization from Lie algebra valued differential forms to Lie algebroid valued differential forms this provides a means for Lie integration of Lie algebroids (e.g. Crainic-Fernandes 01).
In another direction, one may observe that L-∞ algebras are formally dually incarnated by their Chevalley-Eilenberg dg-algebras, and that under this identification the evident generalization of the path method to L-∞ algebra valued differential forms is essentially the Sullivan construction, known from rational homotopy theory, applied to these dg-algebras (Hinich 97, Getzler 04). Or rather, the bare such construction gives the geometrically discrete ∞-group underlying what should be the Lie integration to a smooth ∞-group. This is naturally obtained, as in the classical case, by suitably smoothly parameterizing the ∞-Lie algebroid valued differential forms (Henriques 08, Roytenberg 09, FSS 12).
Both these directions may be combined via the evident concept of ∞-Lie algebroid valued differential forms to yield a Lie integration of ∞-Lie algebroids to smooth ∞-groupoids. (Moreover, the same formula directly generalizes from -algebroids to A-infinity categories to yield the dg-nerve construction.)
While the construction exists and behaves as expected in examples, there is to date no good general theory providing higher analogs of, say, Lie's three theorems. But people are working on it.
Throughout, let be an ∞-Lie algebroid (for instance a Lie algebra, or a Lie algebroid or an L-∞-algebra). Write
for its Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra, a dg-algebra. Notice that, by the discussion at L-∞ algebra and at ∞-Lie algebroid, the Chevalley-Eilenberg dg-algebras is the formal dual of , in that the functor
is a fully faithful functor. Indeed, the following definition of Lie integration (being just a smooth refinement of the Sullivan construction) makes sense just as well for any dg-algebra, not necessarily in the essential image of this embedding. But only for dg-algebras in the essential image of this embedding do the examples come out as expected for higher Lie theory.
An ∞-Lie algebra is equivalently a pointed ∞-Lie algebroid whose base space is the point. We write for objects of this form (“delooping”)
Notice that this induces some degree shifts that may be a little ambiguous in situations like the line Lie n-algebra: as an L-∞ algebra this is , the corresponding ∞-Lie algebroid is .
For a smooth manifold (possibly with boundary and with corners) then its tangent Lie algebroid is the one whose Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra is the de Rham complex
For write for the standard -simplex regarded as a smooth manifold (with boundary and with corners).
A -path in the -Lie algebroid is a morphism of -Lie algebroids of the form
from the tangent Lie algebroid of the standard smooth -simplex to . Dually this is equivalently a homomorphism of dg-algebras
from the Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra of to the de Rham complex of .
See also at differential forms on simplices.
A -path in , def. , is equivalently
a flat -valued differential form on ;
a Maurer-Cartan element in .
The Lie integration of is essentially the simplicial object whose -cells are the -paths in . However, in order for this to be well-behaved, it is possible and useful to restrict to -paths that are sufficiently well-behaved towards the boundary of the simplex:
Regard the smooth simplex as embedded into the Cartesian space in the standard way, and equip with the metric space structure induced this way.
A smooth differential form on is said to have sitting instants along the boundary if, for every -face of there is an open neighbourhood of in such that restricted to is constant in the directions perpendicular to the -face on its value restricted to that face.
More generally, for any CartSp a smooth differential form on is said to have sitting instants if there is such that for all points the pullback along is a form with sitting instants on -neighbourhoods of faces.
Smooth forms with sitting instants clearly form a sub-dg-algebra of all smooth forms. We write for this sub-dg-algebra.
We write for the further sub-dg-algebra of vertical differential forms with respect to the projection , hence the coequalizer
The dimension of the normal direction to a face depends on the dimension of the face: there is one perpendicular direction to a codimension-1 face, and perpendicular directions to a vertex.
A smooth 0-form (a smooth function) has sitting instants on if in a neighbourhood of the endpoints it is constant.
A smooth function is in if there is such that for each the function is constant on .
A smooth 1-form has sitting instants on if in a neighbourhood of the endpoints it vanishes.
Let be a smooth manifold, be a smooth differential form. Let
be a smooth function that has sitting instants as a function: towards any -face of it eventually becomes perpendicularly constant.
Then the pullback form is a form with sitting instants.
The condition of sitting instants serves to make smooth differential forms not be affected by the boundaries and corners of . Notably for a collection of forms with sitting instants on the -cells of a horn that coincide on adjacent boundaries, and for
a standard piecewise smooth retract, the pullbacks
glue to a single smooth differential form (with sitting instants) on .
That having sitting instants does not imply that there is a neighbourhood of the boundary of on which is entirely constant. It is important for the following constructions that in the vicinity of the boundary is allowed to vary parallel to the boundary, just not perpendicular to it.
Here we discuss the discrete ∞-groupoids underlying the smooth ∞-groupoids to which an ∞-Lie algebroid integrates.
For an -Lie algebroid, the -paths in naturally form a simplicial set as varies:
(We are indicating only the face maps, not the degeneracy maps, just for notational simplicity).
If here instead of smooth differential forms one uses polynomial differential forms then this is precisely the Sullivan construction of rational homotopy theory applied to . We next realize smooth structure on this and hence realize this as an object in higher Lie theory.
(spurious homotopy groups)
For a Lie n-algebroid (an -truncated -Lie algebroid) this construction will not yield in general an -truncated ∞-groupoid .
To see this, consider the example (discussed in detail below) that is an ordinary Lie algebra. Then is canonically identified with the set of smooth based maps into the simply connected Lie group that integrates in ordinary Lie theory. This means that the simplicial homotopy groups of are the topological homotopy groups of , which in general (say for the orthogonal group or unitary group) will be non-trivial in arbitrarily higher degree, even though is just a Lie 1-algebra. This phenomenon is well familiar from rational homotopy theory, where a classical theorem asserts that the rational homotopy groups of are generated from the generators in a minimal Sullivan model resolution of .
For the purposes of higher Lie theory therefore instead one wants to truncate to its -coskeleton
This divides out n-morphisms by -morphisms and forgets all higher higher nontrivial morphisms, hence all higher homotopy groups.
We now discuss Lie integration of -Lie algebroids to smooth ∞-groupoids, presented by the model structure on simplicial presheaves over the site CartSp.
For the following definition recall the presentation of smooth ∞-groupoids by the model structure on simplicial presheaves over the site CartSp.
For an L-∞ algebra of finite type with Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra define the simplicial presheaf
for all CartSp and .
Compared to the integration to discrete ∞-groupoids above this definition knows about -parametrized smooth families of -paths in .
The underlying discrete ∞-groupoid is recovered as that of the -parameterized family:
The objects are indeed Kan complexes over each CartSp.
Observe that the standard continuous horn retracts are smooth away from the preimages of the -faces of .
For a differential form with sitting instants on -neighbourhoods, let therefore be the set of points of distance from any subface. Then we have a smooth function
The pullback may be extended constantly back to a form with sitting instants on all of .
The resulting assignment
Write for the simplicial presheaf obtained by postcomposing with the -coskeleton functor .
…(Henriques, theorem 6.4)… remark …
The above construction of Lie integraton to smooth ∞-groupoids clearly applies to all differential graded-commutative algebras, not necessarily just those which are Chevalley-Eilenberg algebras of L-∞ algebras. (but up to weak equivalence, there is no difference). With this generalization, the higher Lie integration extends to a Quillen adjunction (Prop. below). In order to state this conveniently, we first make more explicit the functor assigning smooth families of smooth differential forms on simplices (Def. below).
(smooth families of smooth differential forms on simplices with sitting instants)
For , write for the k-simplex canonically regarded as a smooth manifold with boundaries and corners.
For , regard as the trivial fiber bundle over the Cartesian space with fiber that smooth k-simplex.
for the sub-dgc-algebra of the de Rham algebra on the vertical differential forms with respect to this bundle structure.
Moreover, write
for the further sub-dgc-algebra on those vertical differential forms which have sitting instants towards the boundary of the k-simplex.
Via pullback of differential forms this construction provides a functor
from the product category of the category CartSp of Cartesian spaces and smooth functions between them, with the simplex category, to the opposite of the category of connective dgc-algebras over the real numbers.
(FSS 12, Def. 4.2.1, see Braunack-Mayer 18, Def. 3.1.3)
(Lie integration is right Quillen functor to smooth ∞-groupoids)
There is a Quillen adjunction
the projective local model structure on simplicial presheaves over CartSp, regarded as a site via the good open cover coverage (i.e. presenting smooth ∞-groupoids);
the opposite projective model structure on connective dgc-algebras over the real numbers
given by nerve and realization with respect to the functor of smooth differential forms on simplices from Def. :
the right adjoint sends a dgc-algebra to the simplicial presheaf which in degree is the set of dg-algebra-homomorphism form into the dgc-algebras of smooth differential forms on simplices (Def. ):
the left adjoint is the Yoneda extension of the functor assigning dgc-algebras of smooth differential forms on simplices from Def. ,
hence which acts on a simplicial presheaf , expanded via the co-Yoneda lemma as a coend of representables, as
(Braunack-Mayer 18, theorem 3.1.10)
See also at smooth ∞-groupoid – structures the section Exponentiated ∞-Lie algebras.
Let be an ordinary (finite dimensional) Lie algebra. Standard Lie theory (see Lie's three theorems) provides a simply connected Lie group integrating .
With regarded as a smooth ∞-group write Smooth∞Grpd for its delooping. The standard presentation of this on is by the simplicial presheaf
See at smooth infinity-groupoid – structures – Lie groups for more details.
The operation of parallel transport yields a weak equivalence (in )
This follows from the Steenrod-Wockel approximation theorem and the following observation.
For a simply connected smooth manifold and a basepoint, there is a canonical bijection
between the set of Lie-algebra valued 1-forms on whose curvature 2-form vanishes, and the set of smooth functions that take to the neutral element .
The bijection is given as follows. For a flat 1-form, the corresponding function sends to the parallel transport along any path from the base point to
Because of the assumption that the curvature 2-form of vanishes and the assumption that is simply connected, this assignment is independent of the choice of path.
Conversely, for every such function we recover as the pullback of the Maurer-Cartan form on
From this we obtain
The -groupoid is equivalent to the groupoid with a single object (no non-trivial 1-form on the point) whose morphisms are equivalence classes of smooth based paths (with sitting instants), where two of these are taken to be equivalent if there is a smooth homotopy (with sitting instant) between them.
Since is simply connected, these equivalence classes are labeled by the endpoints of these paths, hence are canonically identified with .
We do not need to fall back to classical Lie theory to obtain in the above argument. A detailed discussion of how to find with its group structure and smooth structure from -paths in is in (Crainic).
For write for the L-∞-algebra whose Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra is given by a single generator in degree and vanishing differential. We may call this the line Lie n-algebra.
Write for the smooth line (n+1)-group.
The discrete ∞-groupoid underlying is given by the Kan complex that in degree has the set of closed differential -forms (with sitting instants) on the -simplex
The -Lie integration of is the circle n-group .
Moreover, with the standard presentation given under the Dold-Kan correspondence by the chain complex of sheaves concentrated in degree on the equivalence is induced by the fiber integration of differential -forms over the -simplex:
First we observe that the map
is a morphism of simplicial presheaves on CartSp. Since it goes between presheaves of abelian simplicial groups by the Dold-Kan correspondence it is sufficient to check that we have a morphism of chain complexes of presheaves on the corresponding normalized chain complexes.
The only nontrivial degree to check is degree . Let . The differential of the normalized chains complex sends this to the signed sum of its restrictions to the -faces of the -simplex. Followed by the integral over this is the piecewise integral of over the boundary of the -simplex. Since has sitting instants, there is such that there are no contributions to this integral in an -neighbourhood of the -faces. Accordingly the integral is equivalently that over the smooth surface inscribed into the -simplex, as indicated in the following diagram
Since is a closed form on the -simplex, this surface integral vanishes, by the Stokes theorem. Hence is indeed a chain map.
It remains to show that is an isomorphism on all the simplicial homotopys group over each . This amounts to the statement that
a smooth family of closed -forms with sitting instants on the boundary of may be extended to a smooth family of closed forms with sitting instants on precisely if their smooth family of integrals over the boundary vanishes;
Any smooth family of closed -forms with sitting instants on the boundary of may be extended to a smooth family of closed -forms with sitting instants on .
To demonstrate this, we want to work with forms on the -ball instead of the -simplex. To achieve this, choose again and construct the diffeomorphic image of inside the -simplex as indicated in the above diagram: outside an -neighbourhood of the corners the image is a rectangular -thickening of the faces of the simplex. Inside the -neighbourhoods of the corners it bends smoothly. By the Steenrod-Wockel approximation theorem the diffeomorphism from this -thickening of the smoothed boundary of the simplex to extends to a smooth function from the -simplex to the -ball.
By choosing smaller than each of the sitting instants of the given -form on , we have that this -form vanishes on the -neighbourhoods of the corners and is hence entirely determined by its restriction to the smoothed simplex, identified with the -ball.
It is now sufficient to show: a smooth family of smooth -forms extends to a smooth family of closed -forms that is radially constant in a neighbourhood of the boundary for all and for precisely if its smooth family of integrals vanishes, .
Notice that over the point this is a direct consequence of the de Rham theorem (kernel of integration is the exact differential forms): an -form on is exact precisely if or if and its integral vanishes. In that case there is an -form with . Choosing any smoothing function (smooth, surjective, non-decreasing and constant in a neighbourhood of the boundary) we obtain an -form on , vertically constant in a neighbourhood of the ends of the interval, equal to at the top and vanishing at the bottom. Pushed forward along the canonical this defines a form on the -ball, that we denote by the same symbol . Then the form solves the problem.
To complete the proof we have to show that this simple argument does extend to smooth families of forms, i.e., that we can choose the -form in a way depending smoothly on the the -form .
One way of achieving this is using Hodge theory. Fix a Riemannian metric on , and let be the corresponding Laplace operator, and the projection on the space of harmonic forms. Then the central result of Hodge theory for compact Riemannian manifolds states that the operator , seen as an operator from the de Rham complex to itself, is a cochain map homotopic to the identity, via an explicit homotopy expressed in terms of the adjoint of the de Rham differential and of the Green operator of . Since the -form is exact its projection on harmonic forms vanishes. Therefore
Hence is a solution of the differential equation depending smoothly on .
Let be the string Lie 2-algebra.
Then is equivalent to the 2-groupoid
with a single object;
whose morphisms are based paths in ;
whose 2-morphisms are equivalence class of pairs , where
is a smooth based map (where we use a homeomorphism which away from the corners is smooth, so that forms with sitting instants there do not see any non-smoothness, and the basepoint of is the 0-vertex of )
and , and where two such are equivalent if the maps coincides at their boundary and if for any 3-ball filling them the labels differ by the integral ,,
where is the Maurer-Cartan form, the 3-form obtained by plugging it into the cocycle.
This is the string Lie 2-group. It’s construction in terms of integration by paths is due to (Henriques)
Unlike finite dimensional Lie algebras, not every Lie algebroid may be integrated to a Lie groupoid. There exists topological obstruction coming from of the leaf of a Lie algebroid . The integrability criteria is completely classified through the behaviour of certain monodromy groups and that is the achievement of Crainic-Fernandes 01. These monodromy groups, providing obstructions of integration, may be seen as the image of a transgression map of the long exact sequence of Lie algebroid homotopy groups? induced by the natural Lie algebroid fibration? . (see Brahic-Zhu 10 ).
Let us now describe the construction of the universal groupoid for a Lie algebroid . This is a major step contained in Crainic-Fernandes 01 and was earlier discovered in the setting of Poisson manifolds as the phase space of Poisson sigma model in Cattaneo-Felder 00.
Given a Lie algebroid , an -path (a Lie algebroid path), is a Lie algebroid morphism from , that is, it is a path in such that where is the base path of (see example ).
An (end-fixing) -homotopy (a Lie algebroid homotopy) is a Lie algebroid morphism from satisfying certain boundary conditions. Let us be more precise: a vector bundle morphism can be denoted by (see example ). Then the boundary condition is that and . The fact that is a Lie algebroid morphism is equivalent to the following PDE:
where is a TM connection on and and are certain time dependent sections of extending and respectively. Notice that there is also a way writing down the right hand side independent of choice of sections. See Section 1 of Crainic-Fernandes 01.
Then the universal groupoid associated to is the space of -paths () dividing by -homotopies. It is naturally a topological groupoid. But only when the obstruction vanishes, it becomes a Lie groupoid and is the source-simply connected Lie groupoid integrating .
Fortunately -homotopies form finite codimensional foliation , even though the quotient might not be always representible. Thus, represents a differentiable stack which becomes a stacky Lie groupoid over . It turns out that there is a one-to-one correspondence between 'etale stacky Lie groupoid and Lie algebroid. This correspondence provides a positive answer to Lie's third theorem for Lie algebroids. Tseng-Zhu 04.
Examples of sequences of local structures
The “path method” of integrating Lie algebras to simply connected Lie groups appears in
The idea of identifying the Sullivan construction applied to Chevalley-Eilenberg algebras as Lie integration to discrete ∞-groupoids appears in
and for nilpotent ∞-Lie algebras? in:
(whose main point is the discussion of a gauge condition applicable for nilpotent -algebras that cuts down the result of the Sullivan construction to a much smaller but equivalent model) .
This was refined from integration to bare -groupoids to an integration to internal ∞-groupoids in Banach manifolds in
(whose origin possibly preceeds that of Getzler’s article).
For general ∞-Lie algebroids the general idea of the integration process by “-paths” had been indicated in
Pavol Severa, Some title containing the words "homotopy" and "symplectic", e.g. this one, based on a talk at Poisson 2000, CIRM Marseille Luminy, June 2000 (arXiv:0105080)
Pavol Ševera, Michal Širaň, Integration of differential graded manifolds, arxiv/1506.04898
Lie integration of dg-modules to smooth parameterized spectra (twisted differential cohomology theories);
Discussion of Lie integration of Lie algebroids by the path method is due to
reviewed in
and following Duistermaat-Kolk (2000 section 1.14), as well as the discussion of the special case of Lie integration of Poisson Lie algebroids to symplectic groupoids in
2001), 61–93. (arXiv:math/0003023)
upgraded to the stacky version by
A general proof that equivalent -algebras integrate to equivalent Lie -groupoids is in
Obstruction interpreted as transgression of a Lie algebroid fibration by
A description of Lie integration with values in smooth ∞-groupoids regarded as simplicial presheaves on CartSp (and further the Lie integration of L-infinity cocycles) is in
Essentially the same integration prescription is considered in
The Lie integration- of Lie algebroid representations to morphisms of ∞-categories / higher parallel transport is discussed in
Application to the problem of Lie integrating ordinary but infinite-dimensional Lie algebras is in
A generalization of Lie integration to conjectural Leibniz groups has been conjectured by J-L. Loday. A local version via local Lie racks has been proposed in
Integration from Lie algebroids to groupoids is also studied in the dual language and generality of integration of Lie-Reinhart algebras and commutative Hopf algebroids,
Last revised on September 1, 2024 at 14:36:52. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.