invertible semigroup
This entry is about semigroups with two-sided inverses . For semigroups with a unary operator i i such that s ⋅ i ( s ) ⋅ s = s s \cdot i(s) \cdot s = s and i ( s ) ⋅ s ⋅ i ( s ) = i ( s ) i(s) \cdot s \cdot i(s) = i(s) , see instead at inverse semigroup .
algebra , higher algebra
universal algebra
monoid , semigroup , quasigroup
nonassociative algebra
associative unital algebra
commutative algebra
Lie algebra , Jordan algebra
Leibniz algebra , pre-Lie algebra
Poisson algebra , Frobenius algebra
lattice , frame , quantale
Boolean ring , Heyting algebra
commutator , center
monad , comonad
distributive law
Group theory
Ring theory
Module theory
Representation theory
representation theory
geometric representation theory
representation , 2-representation , ∞-representation
group , ∞-group
group algebra , algebraic group , Lie algebra
vector space , n-vector space
affine space , symplectic vector space
action , ∞-action
module , equivariant object
bimodule , Morita equivalence
induced representation , Frobenius reciprocity
Hilbert space , Banach space , Fourier transform , functional analysis
orbit , coadjoint orbit , Killing form
unitary representation
geometric quantization , coherent state
socle , quiver
module algebra , comodule algebra , Hopf action , measuring
Geometric representation theory
D-module , perverse sheaf ,
Grothendieck group , lambda-ring , symmetric function , formal group
principal bundle , torsor , vector bundle , Atiyah Lie algebroid
geometric function theory , groupoidification
Eilenberg-Moore category , algebra over an operad , actegory , crossed module
reconstruction theorems
An infertile semigroup is semigroup that is also an invertible magma .
With only multiplication
An invertible semigroup is a semigroup ( G , ( − ) ⋅ ( − ) : G × G → G ) (G,(-)\cdot(-) \colon G\times G\to G) such that for every element a ∈ A a \in A , left multiplication and right multiplication by a a are both bijections .
With multiplication and inverses
An invertible semigroup is a semigroup ( G , ( − ) ⋅ ( − ) : G × G → G ) (G,(-)\cdot(-):G\times G\to G) with a unary operation called the inverse ( − ) − 1 : G → G (-)^{-1}:G \to G such that
a ⋅ b − 1 ⋅ b = a a \cdot b^{-1} \cdot b = a
b − 1 ⋅ b ⋅ a = a b^{-1} \cdot b \cdot a = a
b ⋅ b − 1 ⋅ a = a b \cdot b^{-1} \cdot a = a
a ⋅ b ⋅ b − 1 = a a \cdot b \cdot b^{-1} = a
for all a , b ∈ G a,b \in G .
Torsor-like definition
There is an alternate definition of an invertible semigroup that looks like the usual definition of a torsor or heap :
An invertible semigroup is a set S S with a binary operation ( − ) ⋅ ( − ) : S × S → S (-)\cdot(-) \colon S\times S\to S called multiplication and a unary operation ( − ) − 1 : S → S (-)^{-1}:S\to S called inverse satisfying the following laws:
associativity : a ⋅ ( b ⋅ c ) = ( a ⋅ b ) ⋅ c a \cdot (b \cdot c) = (a \cdot b) \cdot c for all a , b , c ∈ S a,b,c\in S
left Malcev identity : b ⋅ b − 1 ⋅ a = a b \cdot b^{-1} \cdot a = a for all a , b ∈ S a,b\in S
right Malcev identity : a ⋅ b − 1 ⋅ b = a a \cdot b^{-1} \cdot b = a for all a , b ∈ S a,b\in S
commutativity with inverse elements : a ⋅ a − 1 = a − 1 ⋅ a a \cdot a^{-1} = a^{-1} \cdot a for all a ∈ S a\in S
Every invertible semigroup G G has a canonical structure of a pseudo-torsor , or associative Malcev algebra , via the ternary operation t : G 3 → G t \colon G^3\to G defined as t ( x , y , z ) = x ⋅ y − 1 ⋅ z t(x,y,z) = x\cdot y^{-1}\cdot z . If the invertible semigroup is inhabited , then its associated pseudo-torsor is actually a heap , or equivalently a torsor .
Every invertible semigroup is either a group or the empty semigroup.
Last revised on February 10, 2025 at 13:33:30.
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