nLab equivariant Chern character





Special and general types

Special notions


Extra structure



Representation theory

Rational homotopy theory


1. Idea

The equivariant Chern character is the generalization of the Chern character from topological K-theory to equivariant topological K-theory, equivalently the specialization of the equivariant Chern-Dold character for generalized equivariant cohomology to equivariant topological K-theory.

The equivariant Chern character has a variety of different but equivalent concrete incarnations, depending on the choice of presentation of the rational equivariant K-theory that it takes values in:

Incarnations of rational equivariant K-theory:

cohomology theorydefinition/equivalence due to
K G 0(X;)\simeq K_G^0\big(X; \mathbb{C} \big) rational equivariant K-theory
H ev((gGX g)/G;) \simeq H^{ev}\Big( \big(\underset{g \in G}{\coprod} X^g\big)/G; \mathbb{C} \Big) delocalized equivariant cohomologyBaum-Connes 89, Thm. 1.19
H CR ev((XG);)\simeq H^{ev}_{CR}\Big( \prec \big( X \!\sslash\! G\big);\, \mathbb{C} \Big)Chen-Ruan cohomology
of global quotient orbifold
Chen-Ruan 00, Sec. 3.1
H G ev(X;(G/HRep(H)))\simeq H^{ev}_G\Big( X; \, \big(G/H \mapsto \mathbb{C} \otimes Rep(H)\big) \Big)Bredon cohomology
with coefficients in representation ring
Ho88 6.5+Ho90 5.5+Mo02 p. 18,
Mislin-Valette 03, Thm. 6.1,
Szabo-Valentino 07, Sec. 4.2
K G 0(X;)\simeq K_G^0\big(X; \mathbb{C} \big) rational equivariant K-theoryLück-Oliver 01, Thm. 5.5,
Mislin-Valette 03, Thm. 6.1

3. References

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Last revised on December 20, 2021 at 10:14:47. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.