nLab inverse function theorem




Differential geometry

synthetic differential geometry


from point-set topology to differentiable manifolds

geometry of physics: coordinate systems, smooth spaces, manifolds, smooth homotopy types, supergeometry



smooth space


The magic algebraic facts




infinitesimal cohesion

tangent cohesion

differential cohesion

graded differential cohesion

singular cohesion

id id fermionic bosonic bosonic Rh rheonomic reduced infinitesimal infinitesimal & étale cohesive ʃ discrete discrete continuous * \array{ && id &\dashv& id \\ && \vee && \vee \\ &\stackrel{fermionic}{}& \rightrightarrows &\dashv& \rightsquigarrow & \stackrel{bosonic}{} \\ && \bot && \bot \\ &\stackrel{bosonic}{} & \rightsquigarrow &\dashv& \mathrm{R}\!\!\mathrm{h} & \stackrel{rheonomic}{} \\ && \vee && \vee \\ &\stackrel{reduced}{} & \Re &\dashv& \Im & \stackrel{infinitesimal}{} \\ && \bot && \bot \\ &\stackrel{infinitesimal}{}& \Im &\dashv& \& & \stackrel{\text{étale}}{} \\ && \vee && \vee \\ &\stackrel{cohesive}{}& \esh &\dashv& \flat & \stackrel{discrete}{} \\ && \bot && \bot \\ &\stackrel{discrete}{}& \flat &\dashv& \sharp & \stackrel{continuous}{} \\ && \vee && \vee \\ && \emptyset &\dashv& \ast }


Lie theory, ∞-Lie theory

differential equations, variational calculus

Chern-Weil theory, ∞-Chern-Weil theory

Cartan geometry (super, higher)



For scalar-valued functions

The inverse function theorem says that given any sequentially Cauchy complete Archimedean field \mathbb{R} and a continuously differentiable function f:If:I \to \mathbb{R} from an open interval II \subseteq \mathbb{R} such that for all points aIa \in I,

|dfdx(a)|>0\left| \frac{d f}{d x}(a) \right| \gt 0

the inverse function f 1:im(f)f^{-1}:\mathrm{im}(f) \to \mathbb{R} exists and is unique and is defined by the first-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation

(dfdxf 1)df 1dx=1\left(\frac{d f}{d x} \circ f^{-1}\right) \frac{d f^{-1}}{d x} = 1

with initial condition f 1(f(a))=af^{-1}(f(a)) = a. Classically, \mathbb{R} is essentially unique, but constructively, there are multiple inequivalent sequentially Cauchy complete Archimedean fields.

For vector-valued functions

To be done…


This proof is adapted from the Wikipedia article on the inverse function theorem, in the section “A proof using the contraction mapping principle”, the contraction mapping principle being another name for the Banach fixed-point theorem.


Let (r,r)(-r, r) denote an open interval in \mathbb{R} with radius rr and centre 00. If g:(r,r)g:(-r, r) \to \mathbb{R} is a map such that g(0)=0g(0) = 0 and there exists a rational constant 0<c<10 \lt c \lt 1 such that |g(y)g(x)|=c|yx|\vert g(y) - g(x) \vert = c \vert y - x \vert for all x(r,r)x \in (-r, r) and y(r,r)y \in (-r, r), then f=id +gf = \mathrm{id}_\mathbb{R} + g is injective on (r,r)(-r, r) and

((1c)r,(1c)r)f((r,r))((1+c)r,(1+c)r)(-(1 - c)r, (1 - c)r) \subset f((-r, r)) \subset (-(1 + c)r, (1 + c)r)

where id \mathrm{id}_\mathbb{R} is the identity map on the real numbers, restricted in the domain to (r,r)(-r, r), and given an open interval II \subseteq \mathbb{R}, f(I)f(I) is the image of ff under II.


First, the map ff is injective on (r,r)(-r, r), since if f(x)=f(y)f(x) = f(y), then g(y)g(x)=xyg(y) - g(x) = x - y and so |g(y)g(x)|=|yx|\vert g(y) - g(x) \vert = \vert y - x \vert, which is a contradiction unless y=xy = x. Next we show

((1c)r,(1c)r)f((r,r))(-(1 - c)r, (1 - c)r) \subset f((-r, r))

The idea is to note that this is equivalent to, given a point yy in ((1c)r,(1c)r)(-(1-c) r, (1-c) r), find a fixed point of the map

F:[r,r][r,r]F : [-r, r] \to [-r', r']

defined as F(x)=yg(x)F(x) = y - g(x) where 0<r<r0 \lt r' \lt r such that |y|(1c)r\vert y \vert \leq (1-c)r' and the bar means a closed ball. To find a fixed point, we use the Banach fixed-point theorem and checking that FF is a well-defined strict-contraction mapping is straightforward. Finally, we have:

f((r,r))((1+c)r,(1+c)r)f((-r, r)) \subset (-(1 + c)r, (1 + c)r)


|f(x)|=|x+g(x)g(0)|(1+c)|x|\vert f(x) \vert = \vert x + g(x) - g(0) \vert \le (1+c) \vert x \vert

Now that we have established the lemma, we could proved the main theorem:


It is enough to prove the special case when a=0,b=f(a)=0a = 0, b = f(a) = 0 and f(0)=id f'(0) = \mathrm{id}_\mathbb{R}. Let g=fid g = f - \mathrm{id}_\mathbb{R}. The mean value theorem applied to tg(x+t(yx))t \mapsto g(x + t(y - x)) says:

|g(y)g(x)||yx|sup 0<t<1|g(x+t(yx))|\vert g(y) - g(x) \vert \leq \vert y - x \vert \sup_{0 \lt t \lt 1} \vert g'(x + t(y - x)) \vert

Since g(0)=id id =0g'(0) = \mathrm{id}_\mathbb{R} - \mathrm{id}_\mathbb{R} = 0 and gg' is continuous, we can find an r>0r \gt 0 such that

|g(y)g(x)|2 1|yx|\vert g(y) - g(x)\vert \leq 2^{-1} \vert y - x \vert

for all x,yx, y in (r,r)(-r, r). Then the earlier lemma says that f=g+id f = g + \mathrm{id}_\mathbb{R} is injective on (r,r)(-r, r) and (r/2,r/2)(r,r)(-r/2, r/2) \subset (-r, r). Then

f:(r,r)f 1((r/2,r/2))(r/2,r/2)f : (-r, r) \cap f^{-1}((-r/2, r/2)) \to (-r/2, r/2)

is bijective and thus has the inverse, where given an open interval II \subseteq \mathbb{R}, f 1(I)f^{-1}(I) is the inverse image of ff over II.

to be continued…

In constructive mathematics

The given proof of the inverse function theorem above relies on the mean value theorem, which in constructive mathematics is only true for uniformly differentiable functions. There might be other proofs which might not rely on the mean value theorem and could prove the inverse function theorem for continuously differentiable functions.

 As an axiom for Archimedean ordered fields

While continuously differentiable functions and locally uniformly differentiable functions are well-defined in every Archimedean ordered field, the inverse function theorem does not hold in all Archimedean ordered fields. One could instead consider adding the inverse function theorem as an axiom to an arbitrary Archimedean ordered field RR. There are a few axioms which could be used here

  • For any Archimedean ordered field RR, the continuously differentiable inverse function axiom for RR states that given any differentiable function f:IRf:I \to R on an open subinterval IRI \subseteq R such that its derivative dfdx:IR\frac{d f}{d x}:I \to R is pointwise continuous and always apart from zero, there is a unique differentiable function f 1:im(f)Rf^{-1}:\mathrm{im}(f) \to R called the inverse function with pointwise continuous derivative df 1dx:im(f)R\frac{d f^{-1}}{d x}:\mathrm{im}(f) \to R such that f 1(f(a))=af^{-1}(f(a)) = a and for all elements aim(f)a \in \mathrm{im}(f) and

    dfdx(f 1(a))df 1dx(a)=1\frac{d f}{d x}\left(f^{-1}(a)\right) \cdot \frac{d f^{-1}}{d x}\left(a\right) = 1
  • For any Archimedean ordered field RR, the locally uniformly differentiable inverse function axiom for RR states that given any differentiable function f:IRf:I \to R on an open subinterval IRI \subseteq R such that its derivative dfdx:IR\frac{d f}{d x}:I \to R is locally uniformly continuous and always apart from zero, there is a unique differentiable function f 1:im(f)Rf^{-1}:\mathrm{im}(f) \to R called the inverse function with locally uniformly continuous derivative df 1dx:im(f)R\frac{d f^{-1}}{d x}:\mathrm{im}(f) \to R such that f 1(f(a))=af^{-1}(f(a)) = a and for all elements aim(f)a \in \mathrm{im}(f) and

    dfdx(f 1(a))df 1dx(a)=1\frac{d f}{d x}\left(f^{-1}(a)\right) \cdot \frac{d f^{-1}}{d x}\left(a\right) = 1

The former is stronger than the latter, although they are equivalent in the presence of excluded middle. If RR satisfies the locally uniformly continuous inverse function axiom, then RR is a real closed field.

There is also a third possible axiom in dependent type theory, which uses the shape modality. Given an Archimedean ordered field RR, let ʃL R\esh \coloneqq L_R be the shape modality, the localization at RR. A type TT is shapewise contractible if its shape is contractible. Given an open interval IRI \subseteq R, a function f:IRf:I \to R is shapewise continuous if the graph of ff, the set of all pairs (x,y)(x, y) in I×RI \times R such that y=f(x)y = f(x), is shapewise contractible:

isShapewiseContinuous(f)isContr(ʃ( x:I y:Ry= Rf(x)))\mathrm{isShapewiseContinuous}(f) \coloneqq \mathrm{isContr}\left(\esh\left(\sum_{x:I} \sum_{y:R} y =_{R} f(x)\right)\right)
  • For any Archimedean ordered field RR, the shapewise continuously differentiable inverse function axiom for RR states that given any differentiable function f:IRf:I \to R on an open subinterval IRI \subseteq R such that its derivative dfdx:IR\frac{d f}{d x}:I \to R is shapewise continuous and always apart from zero, there is a unique differentiable function f 1:im(f)Rf^{-1}:\mathrm{im}(f) \to R called the inverse function with shapewise continuous derivative df 1dx:im(f)R\frac{d f^{-1}}{d x}:\mathrm{im}(f) \to R such that f 1(f(a))=af^{-1}(f(a)) = a and for all elements aim(f)a \in \mathrm{im}(f) and
    dfdx(f 1(a))df 1dx(a)=1\frac{d f}{d x}\left(f^{-1}(a)\right) \cdot \frac{d f^{-1}}{d x}\left(a\right) = 1


  • Terence Tao, Analysis II. Texts and Readings in Mathematics. (1st ed. 2016 edition). New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency. ISBN:978-9380250656

See also:

Last revised on December 14, 2022 at 18:22:29. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.