nLab D1-D5 brane bound state

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The bound state of D1-branes with D5-branes. A special case of Dp-D(p+4)-brane bound states.

Plays a central role in the discussion of black holes in string theory.

brane intersections/bound states/wrapped branes/polarized branes

S-duality\,bound states:




  • Lukas Hahn, Is String Theory Holographic? (pdf)

Via superstrata

On AdS-CFT dual type II supergravity-solutions corresponding to D1-D5-P bound states (“superstrata”):

And the non-supersymmetric generalization to “microstrata”, via AdS3-CFT2 duality:

As instantons

As Yang-Mills instantons/Yang-Mills monopoles

As fuzzy funnels

As fuzzy funnels on fuzzy 4-spheres:

KK-reduction to JT gravity

Realization of JT-gravity as Kaluza-Klein reduction of D=6 supergravity on the worldvolume of D1-D5 brane bound states or M2-M5 brane bound states:

  • Yue-Zhou Li, Shou-Long Li, H. Lu, Exact Embeddings of JT Gravity in Strings and M-theory, Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78: 791 (arXiv:1804.09742)

  • Iosif Bena, Pierre Heidmann, David Turton, AdS 2AdS_2 Holography: Mind the Cap, JHEP 1812 (2018) 028 (arXiv:1806.02834)

AdS 3/CFT 2AdS_3/CFT_2 on D1/D5 branes

On AdS3-CFT2 for D1/D5 brane bound states and black hole entropy in string theory:

Last revised on May 10, 2024 at 05:39:11. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.