nLab topological M-theory



1. Idea

Many aspects of the theory of “topological strings” (the A-model and the B-model) proceed in close analogy (just simpler) to the “physical” string theory. Accordingly, as the latter can usefully be organized as the dimensional reduction of a conjectured UV-completion of D=11 supergravityM-theory – there seems to be an analogous higher dimensional organizational principle for topological strings, hence termed topological M-theory.

One way to understand it is as a TQFT-analog of the M2-brane sigma-model, the topological membrane.

3. References

The notion has been introduced in

Under the term “Z-theory” aspects were discussed in


The topological membrane is made explicit in

Relation to topological string theory:

Relation to BTZ black holes:

  • Javier Chagoya, Graciela Reyes-Ahumada, M. Sabido, BTZ entropy from topological M-theory (arXiv:2011.01094)

Last revised on July 18, 2024 at 12:57:51. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.