nLab homotopy groups of a Lie groupoid



Homotopy theory

homotopy theory, (∞,1)-category theory, homotopy type theory

flavors: stable, equivariant, rational, p-adic, proper, geometric, cohesive, directed

models: topological, simplicial, localic, …

see also algebraic topology



Paths and cylinders

Homotopy groups

Basic facts


\infty-Lie theory

∞-Lie theory (higher geometry)


Smooth structure

Higher groupoids

Lie theory

∞-Lie groupoids

∞-Lie algebroids

Formal Lie groupoids



Related topics


\infty-Lie groupoids

\infty-Lie groups

\infty-Lie algebroids

\infty-Lie algebras



The geometric homotopy groups of a Lie groupoid XX are those of its geometric realization |X||X| when regarded as a simplicial manifold. Equivalently, regarding XX as an object in the (∞,1)-topos ∞LieGrpd, its homotopy groups are those of the fundamental ∞-groupoid in a locally ∞-connected (∞,1)-topos Π(X)\Pi(X) \in ∞Grpd.


For X=(X 1X 0)X = (X_1 \stackrel{\to}{\to} X_0) a Lie groupoid and x:*Xx : * \to X a point, let

X =(X 1× X 0X 1× X 0X 1X 1× X 0X 1X 0) X_\bullet = \left( \cdots X_1 \times_{X_0} X_1 \times_{X_0} X_1 \stackrel{\to}{\stackrel{\to}{\to}}X_1 \times_{X_0} X_1 \stackrel{\to}{\to} X_0 \right)

be its nerve regarded as a simplicial manifold.


When regarding each manifold X nX_n as a diffeological space, hence a sheaf on the site CartSp then X inPSh(CartSp) Δ op[CartSp op,sSet]X_\bullet in PSh(CartSp)^{\Delta^{op}} \simeq [CartSp^{op},sSet] is the simplicial presheaf on CartSp that presents XX as an object in the (∞,1)-topos ∞LieGrpd of ∞-Lie groupoids.


Regard X X_\bullet as a simplicial topological space by forgetting the smooth structure. Write |X ||X_\bullet| \in Top for its geometric realization as a simplicial topological space.

The geometric homotopy groups of XX are defined to be the ordinary homotopy groups of the topological space |X ||X_\bullet|:

π n(X,x):=π n(|X |,x). \pi_n(X,x) := \pi_n(|X_\bullet|,x) \,.

In this form the definition originates in (Segal).


Regard XX as an ∞-Lie groupoid under the natural embedding LieGrpdLieGrpdLieGrpd \hookrightarrow \infty LieGrpd. By the discussion at ∞LieGrpd this is a locally ∞-connected (∞,1)-topos, which means that its terminal geometric morphism comes with a further left adjoint Π\Pi

(ΠΔΓ):LieGrpdGrpd. (\Pi \dashv \Delta \dashv \Gamma) : \infty LieGrpd \to \infty Grpd \,.

We say that Π(X)GrpdTop\Pi(X) \in \infty Grpd \simeq Top is the fundamental ∞-groupoid in a locally ∞-connected (∞,1)-topos of XX.


The geometric homotopy groups of XX are those of Π(X)Top\Pi(X) \in Top.


By the discussion at ∞-Lie groupoid we have precisely that Π(X)\Pi(X) is presented by the geometric realization of the simplicial topological space underlying the nerve of XX.


The definition of the homotopy groups of a Lie groupoid as those of its geometric realization appearently goes back to

  • Graeme Segal, Classifying spaces and spectral sequences , IHES Publ. Math. 34 (1968) 105–112.

An equivalent definition is in

  • A. Haefliger, Groupoïdes d’holonomie et espaces classiants , Astérisque 116 (1984), 70-97

reproduced in section 3 of

  • Graeme Segal, Classifying spaces related to foliations , Topology 17 (1978), 367-382.

Last revised on February 12, 2025 at 22:19:11. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.