rational homotopy theory (equivariant, stable, parametrized, equivariant & stable, parametrized & stable)
Examples of Sullivan models in rational homotopy theory:
(also nonabelian homological algebra)
Basic definitions
Stable homotopy theory notions
Homology theories
under construction
It is a classical fact that the rationalization of classical homotopy theory (of topological spaces or simplicial sets) – called rational homotopy theory – is considerably more tractable than general homotopy theory, as exhibited by the existence of small concrete dg-algebraic models for rational homotopy types: minimal Sullivan algebras or equivalently their dual dg-coalgebras. A similar statement holds for the rationalization of stable homotopy theory i.e. the homotopy theory of spectra (of topological spaces or simplicial sets): rational spectra are equivalent to rational chain complexes, i.e. to dg-modules over . This is a dg-model for rational stable homotopy theory compatible with that of classical rational homotopy theory in tat the stabilization adjunction that connects classical homotopy theory to stable homotopy theory is, under these identifications, modeled by the forgetful functor from dg-(co-)algebras to chain complexes
Classical homotopy theory and stable homotopy theory are unified and jointly generalized in parameterized stable homotopy theory, whose objects are parameterized spectra, parameterized over a classical homotopy type. The rational parameterized stable homotopy theory to be discussed here is supposed to be the rationalization of this joint generalization, unifiying and jointly generalizing the algebraic model of rational topological spaces by Sullivan algebras and of -module spectra by chain complexes.
Here we (intend to) show that, accordingly, rational parameterized homotopy theory is presented by the the opposite of the homotopical category of dg-modules over cochain differential graded-commutative algebras in non-negative degrees.
under construction
Definition 2.1. Write
for the category of chain complexes of modules/vector spaces over (i.e. differential of degree -1)
for the category of cochain complexes (i.e. differential of degree +1).
For write
for the full subcategory of the chain complexes concentrated in degree ;
for the full subcategory of the cochain complexes concentrated in degree .
For a rational vector space, and for , we write both for the chain complex as well as for the cochain complex concentrated on in degree .
Definition 2.2. Write for the category of cochain dgc-algebras over the rational numbers concentrated in non-negative degrees.
Say that a morphism in this category is
a weak equivalence if it is a quasi-isomorphisms on the underlying chain complexes;
a fibration if it is degreewise surjection;
a cofibration it it is a relative Sullivan algebra inclusion,
We write
for the category equipped with these three classes of morphisms.
Proposition 2.3. The homotopical category from def. 2.2 is a model category, to be called the projective model structure on dgc-algebras in non-negative degrees.
(Bousfield-Gugenheim 76, theorem 4.3)
Example 2.4. For a simplicial set, write
for the polynomial differential forms with rational coefficients on .
(Bousfield-Gugenheim 76, def. 2.1)
Definition 2.5. Write for the dgc-algebra concentrated on the ground field in degree 0, necessarily with vanishing differential. This is the initial object in .
for the slice category of that of all dgc-algebras (def. 2.2) over . Hence an object in this category is a pair consisting of a dgc-algebra and a dg-algebra homomorphism of the form
This is equivalently called a -augmented dgc-algebra. The kernel of the augmentation map
is the augmentation ideal of .
Since carries a unique augmentation , we still write for the ground field regarded as an augmented dgc-algebra. As such this is now a zero object.
Furthermore write
for the slice model structure induced on this by the projective model structure on dgc-algebras according to prop. 2.3.
See also Bousfield-Gugenheim 76, 4.11
We want to claim the following:
For every there is a Quillen equivalence
Idea of proof: the analogous statement for simplicial Lie algebras replaced by rational simplicial algebras is Schwede 97, theorem 3.2.3. Apart from the connectivity of the -construction, all that this proof uses is that simplicial commutative algebras form a right proper simplicial model category. But also the model structure on simplicial Lie algebras is right proper and simplicial.
A classical reference on plain rational homotopy theory is:
The equivalence between -module spectra (unparametrized) and -chain complexes is due to
Stefan Schwede, section 3 of Spectra in model categories and applications to the algebraic cotangent complex, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 120 (1997) 104 (pdf)
Brooke Shipley, -algebra spectra are differential graded algebras , Amer. Jour. of Math. 129 (2007) 351-379. (arXiv:math/0209215)
Discussion of rational fiberwise suspension spectra:
Michael C. Crabb, Ioan Mackenzie James, around Prop. 15.8 of: Fiberwise homotopy theory, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer (1998) doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-1265-5, pdf ,pdf
Yves Félix, Aniceto Murillo Daniel Tanré, Fibrewise stable rational homotopy, Journal of Topology, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 743–758 (doi:10.1112/jtopol/jtq023)
A discussion of full-blown rational parametrized stable homotopy theory is due to
Vincent Braunack-Mayer, Rational parameterized stable homotopy theory, Zurich, 2018
Vincent Braunack-Mayer, Strict algebraic models for rational parametrised spectra I, Algebraic & Geometric Topology 21 (2021) 917–1019 [arXiv:1910.14608, doi:10.2140/agt.2021.21.917]
Application to mathematical analysis of duality between M-theory and type IIA string theory:
Vincent Braunack-Mayer, Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber, Gauge enhancement of Super M-Branes rational parameterized stable homotopy theory, Communications in Mathematical Physics 371: 197 (2019) (arXiv:1806.01115, doi:10.1007/s00220-019-03441-4)
Vincent Braunack-Mayer, Parametrised homotopy theory and gauge enhancement, talk at Higher Structures in M-Theory Durham Symposium 2018 , Fortschritte der Physik (2019) (doi:10.1002/prop.201910003m arXiv:1903.02862)
Last revised on April 7, 2023 at 12:42:45. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.