nLab spherical braid group


Group Theory

Manifolds and cobordisms

Knot theory



By the spherical braid group Br n(S 2)Br_n(S^2), for nn \in \mathbb{N}, one means the sphere braid group, hence the surface braid group, where the surface in question is the 2-sphere S 2S^2. More concretely, the spherical braid group

Br n(S 2)π 1Conf n(S 2), Br_n(S^2) \;\simeq\; \pi_1 Conf_n(S^2) \,,

is the fundamental group π 1()\pi_1(-) of the configuration space of n n -points, Conf n()Conf_n(-), on the 2-sphere.

Illustrated on the right is the element b 2b 1Br 3(S 2)b_2 b_1 \in Br_3(S^2) (where b ib_i denote the Artin braid generators, cf. Prop. .)



The spherical braid group is the quotient group of the ordinary braid group by one further relation:

Br n(S 2)Br n/((b 1b 2b n1)(b n1b 2b 1), Br_n(S^2) \;\simeq\; Br_n/ \big( (b_1 b_2 \cdots b_{n-1})(b_{n-1} \cdots b_2 b_1) \,,

where the b ib_i denote the Artin braid generators.

Moreover, the canonical map from the plain braid group to the symmetric group Sym nSym_n factors through the corresponding quotient coprojection:

(Fadell & Van Buskirk 1961 p 245, 255, cf. Tan 2024 §3.1)


Created on February 16, 2025 at 10:25:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.