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Group Theory
group theory
Classical groups
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Topological groups
Lie groups
Super-Lie groups
Higher groups
Cohomology and Extensions
Related concepts
The integer Heisenberg groups or discrete Heisenberg groups are non-abelian discrete central extensions of the integer product groups , , analogous to how the ordinary Heisenberg groups are non-abelian central extensions of . Generally there are analogous -Heisenberg groups for any commutative ring .
In fact, for even multiples of the basic such extension, integer Heisenberg groups are discrete subgroups of ordinary -Heisenberg groups covering a lattice inclusion (cf. Prop. below).
In physics, specifically in quantum field theory, these even-weight integer Heisenberg groups are closely related to quantum abelian Chern-Simons theory (spelled out below, following SS25, see also at 2-Cohomotopy moduli of surfaces).
Integer Heisenberg group extensions of
We discuss the restriction of the basic -Heisenberg group (see there) along the inclusion and the mod- quotient groups of that.
In the following, we denote cyclic groups, for , uniformly by
Recall (see there) the equivalence of central extensions of a discrete group by an abelian group (for the present case equipped with the trivial -action) with the degree=2 group cohomology .
For , the central group extensions of by are all integral multiples of the following elementary Heisenberg extension:
The central extensions in question
are classified by the degree=2 group cohomology of with coefficients in (equipped with the trivial -action).
That second group cohomology is:
where we used, in order of the appearance:
that group cohomology is ordinary cohomology of the domain group’s classifying space;
that the classifying space of the integers is the circle and that this respects Cartesian products;
that the stable homotopy type of the 2-torus is the wedge sum of two circles with a 2-sphere (see there).
The generator of this cohomology group must be the group 2-cocycle
given by
whose cocycle condition is evidently satisfied due to the distributive law in the ring and which is clearly not divisible.
Of particular interest is the second multiple of this basic extension:
It is sufficient to see that the second red summand in (5) is a group 2-cocycle cohomologous to the first red summand, which means equivalently that the 2-cocycle
has a coboundary: This coboundary is readily found to be
Basic properties
The multiple=2 discrete Heisenberg group (5) is the following quotient group of the product group with the free group on two generators:
The map
is clearly a bijection on underlying sets, and is a group homomorphism since the quotient relation (6) is respected in , by (4).
(cf. also arXiv:2203.08030, p 21)
Linear representations
To see that this is a linear representation, by (6) is it sufficient to check that the basic group commutator is represented, in that
which is evidently the case, since
To see that this is irreducible just note that a linear basis of the underlying vector space is obtained by successively acting with on, say .
For more see Floratos & Tsohantjis 2022.
Modular automorphisms
Moreover, the integer Heisenberg group knows about the modular group acting on this space of quantum states, hence about the “modular functor” of abelian Chern-Simons theory:
(modular action on the integer Heisenberg group)
Since the colored summand in (5) is the canonical symplectic form on , the integer symplectic group in dimension 2, hence the modular group
acts by evident group automorphism on (5):
There exists a linear representation
of the modular group on the underlying complex vector space of (7), which intertwines the action (7) of on , with its automorphic images under the modular gorup action (10) on the Heisenberg group, in that:
In other words, (12) enhances to a representation of the semidirect product group with operation
This representation (12) is just the modular action known from abelian Chern-Simons theory at level (cf. Manoliu 1998a p 67):
By unwinding the definitions and direct computation we find that the statement holds for any one of the modular generators (11):
and finally, using (8):
But since generate the whole group (Rem. ), this completes the proof.
Generally on the integer/discrete Heisenberg -extensions of :
Soo Teck Lee, Judith A. Packer: The Cohomology of the Integer Heisenberg Groups, Journal of Algebra 184 1 (1996) 230-250 [doi:10.1006/jabr.1996.0258]
(concerning its group cohomology)
Roman Budylin: Conjugacy classes in discrete Heisenberg groups, Sbornik: Mathematics 205 8 (2014) 1069–1079 [arXiv:1405.5499, doi:10.1070/SM2014v205n08ABEH004410]
Daniel Bump, Persi Diaconis, Angela Hicks, Laurent Miclo, Harold Widom: An Exercise (?) in Fourier Analysis on the Heisenberg Group, Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques, Serie 6, Volume 26 (2017) no. 2, pp. 263-288 [arXiv:1502.04160, numdam:AFST_2017_6_26_2_263_0]
Jayadev S. Athreya, Ioannis Konstantoulas: Lattice deformations in the Heisenberg group, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 14 3 (2020) 1007–1022 [arXiv:1510.01433, doi:10.4171/ggd/572]
Uri Bader, Vladimir Finkelshtein, §5 of: On the horofunction boundary of discrete Heisenberg group, Geom Dedicata 208 (2020) 113–127 [arXiv:1904.11234, doi:10.1007/s10711-020-00513-x]
Ruiwen Dong, p 9 of: Recent advances in algorithmic problems for semigroups, ACM SIGLOG News 10 4 (2023) 3-23 [arXiv:2309.10943, doi:10.1145/3636362.3636365]
On (invertibility in) the group algebra:
- Martin Göll, Klaus Schmidt, Evgeny Verbitskiy: A Wiener Lemma for the discrete Heisenberg group: Invertibility criteria and applications to algebraic dynamics, Monatsh Math 180 (2016) 485–525 [doi:10.1007/s00605-016-0894-0, arXiv:1603.08225]
On their representation theory with an eye towards quantum information theory:
- E. Floratos, I. Tsohantjis: Complete set of unitary irreps of Discrete Heisenberg Group [arXiv:2210.04263]
On the automorphism group:
In relation to -current algebra (WZW-model):
The above discussion of irreps and modular automorphisms related to abelian Chern-Simons theory follows: