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Given a self-adjoint operator (usually first-order, such as a Dirac operator acting on sections of a vector bundle on a closed Riemannian manifold) with eigenvalues with multiplicities , then its eta function is given by the series
expression wherever this converges, and extended by analytic continuation from there.
At the special value the series in def. does not converge, but if is indeed a Dirac operator then it is the expression of the Dirac propagator. Indeed the definition of by analytic continuation at is the regularized Dirac propagator.
The eta function of is related to the zeta function of an elliptic differential operator (regarding as a Dirac operator/supersymmetric quantum mechanics-like square root of ) see below.
The eta invariant of is the special value .
(e.g. Richardson, first page)
Def. means that is the regularized number of positive minus negative eigenvalues of .
(Notice that if itself happens to have only positive eigenvalues, then its eta function already is on the notre the zeta function of an elliptic differential operator.)
The eta function is a kind of odd version of the Mellin transform of an odd version of the theta function:
e.g. (Müller 94 (0.2)).
Let be a self-adjoint operator such that
its eta function is defined and analytic at ;
for in an interval such that no is an eigenvalue of such that both the eta series and the zeta function series have a common lower bound for the values on wich the series converges
where on the left we have the zeta function of an elliptic differential operator for .
(e.g. Richardson prop. 2).
In particular this means that under the above assumptions the functional determinant of is given by
Under suitable conditions the exponentiated -invariant equals the Selberg zeta function of odd type. (Millson 78, Park 01, theorem 1.2, Guillarmou-Moroianu-Park 09).
Relation of eta functions to Dirichlet L-functions includes (Atiyah-Donelly-Singer 83, Podesta 14)
Let be a -parameterized collection of spin Riemannian manifold of odd dimension with boundary.
Equip the corresponding collection of Dirac operators with the boundary condition given by a choice of isometry
e.g. (Müller 94, below (0.3))
Define then the exponentiated eta-invariant to be the element
in the inverse of the determinant line
(Here it is maybe noteworthy that, by the above, is the Selberg zeta function.)
In fact this is a smooth section of the determinant line bundle as varies.
These sections given by the exponentiated eta invariant satisfy the sewing law.
This is due to (Dai-Freed 94), reviewed in (Freed 95a). See also (Witten 15) for discussion in relation to anomaly cancellation of fermions (specifically for the eta invariant in the Green-Schwarz mechanism see Witten 99, section 2.2).
Prop. means that the eta-invariant satisfies something like the Atiyah-axioms for TQFT (but of course depends on a metric), a point of view highlighted in (Bunke 94).
Indeed, this exponentiated eta invariant is one factor (together with analytic torsion and the classical CS invariant) of the perturbative path integral quantization of Chern-Simons theory (Witten 89 (2.17) (2.23)), see at Chern-Simons theory – Perturbative path integral quantization.
Also the theta function is a section of, up to isomorphism, this determinant line bundle (or maybe its inverse) (Freed 95b, p. 31).
(and hopefully it coincides with the section given by the exponentiated under suitable conditions?)
For the Dirac operator on a Riemann surface/complex curve the eta function was discussed in (Millson 78).
See at zeta function of a Riemann surface for more on this case.
The -invariant was introduced by Atiyah-Patodi-Singer in the series of articles
Michael Atiyah, V. K. Patodi and Isadore Singer, Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian geometry I Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 77 (1975), 43-69.
Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian geometry II. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.
Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian geometry III, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 79 (1976), 71-99.
as the boundary correction term for the index formula on a manifold with boundary.
Introductions and surveys include
Jean-Michel Bismut, Local index theory, eta invariants and holomorphic torsion: a survey, pp. 1-76, in: Surveys in diff. geom. 3 (C.-C. Hsiung, S.-T. Yau, eds.) 1996. International Press
Ken Richardson, Introduction to the Eta invariant (pdf)
Xianzhe Dai, Eta invariant and holonomy Chern Centennial (2011) (pdf slides)
Wikipedia, Eta invariant
Formulation in the broader context of bordism theory is in
Further discussion of the relation to holonomy is in
Xianzhe Dai, Weiping Zhang, Eta invariant and holonomy, the even dimensional case, arXiv:1205.0562
Eta invariant and Selberg zeta function of odd type over convex co-compact hyperbolic manifolds (pdf)
Discussion of relation to L-functions includes
Michael Atiyah, H. Donnelly; , Isadore Singer, Eta invariants, signature defects of cusps, and values of L-functions, Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 118 (1): 131–177 (1983) doi:10.2307/2006957, ISSN 0003-486X, MR 707164
Ricardo A. Podestá, The eta function and eta invariant of Z2r-manifolds (ariv:1407.7454)
Discussion of the case over Riemann surfaces includes
John Millson, Closed geodesic and the -invariant, Ann. of Math., 108, (1978) 1-39 (jstor)
Jinsung Park, Eta invariants and regularized determinants for odd dimensional hyperbolic manifolds with cusps (arXiv:0111175)
Colin Guillarmou, Sergiu Moroianu, Jinsung Park, Eta invariant and Selberg Zeta function of odd type over convex co-compact hyperbolic manifolds (arXiv:0901.4082)
Discussion in relation to analytic torsion and perturbative quantum Chern-Simons theory goes back to
with more in
Lisa Jeffrey: Symplectic quantum mechanics and Chern-Simons gauge theory I, J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013) 052304 [arxiv/1210.6635, doi:10.1063/1.4804152]
Lisa Jeffrey, Brendan McLellan: Eta-Invariants and Anomalies in Chern-Simons Theory [arXiv:1004.2913, pdf]
M. B. Young, section 2 of Chern-Simons theory, knots and moduli spaces of connections (pdf)
Discussion of the eta-invariant on manifolds with boundary is in
Werner Müller, Eta invariants and manifolds with boundary, J. Diff. Geom. 40 (1994) 311-377 (pdf)
Ulrich Bunke, The -Invariant as a Lagrangian of a Topological Quantum Field Theory (arXiv:hep-th/9408162)
Edward Witten, Anomalies revisited, talk at Strings2015 (pdf slides)
and regarding the result as taking values in the determinant line over the boundary is due to
5155–5194 and C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (1995), 585–592 (arXiv:hep-th/9405012)
with review and streamlined results in
Daniel Freed, Determinant line bundles revisited (dg-ga/9505002)
Daniel Freed, On determinant line bundles, Math. aspects of string theory, ed. S. T. Yau, World Sci. Publ. 1987, (revised pdf)
Last revised on March 21, 2025 at 14:00:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.