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Type theory
Deduction and Induction
The basis of it all
mathematical logic
deduction system, natural deduction, sequent calculus, lambda-calculus, judgment
type theory, simple type theory, dependent type theory
collection, object, type, term, set, element
equality, judgmental equality, typal equality
universe, size issues
higher-order logic
Set theory
Foundational axioms
Removing axioms
Higher algebra
In dependent type theory with uniqueness of identity proofs, the free group on a type is the (higher) inductive type generated by an element and a function . However, in dependent type theory without uniqueness of identity proofs, the resulting type is no longer a free group, because the resulting type is no longer 0-truncated. Instead, it is the underlying type of the free -group on a type , and denoted as . Nonetheless, the underlying type of the free infinity group on a set is a group.
This is the invertible version of the type of lists on a type , which in the context of uniqueness of identity proofs is the free monoid on a type , but without uniqueness of identity proofs is the underlying type of the free -space on a type ; i.e. a free monoid in a monoidal (infinity,1)-category, and -groups are the invertible versions of -spaces.
Assuming that identification types, equivalence types and dependent product types exist in the type theory, the underlying type of the free infinity-group on a type of generators is the (higher) inductive type generated by an element and a function :
Formation rules for the underlying type of the free infinity-group:
Introduction rules for the underlying type of the free infinity-group:
Elimination rules for the underlying type of the free infinity-group:
Computation rules for the underlying type of the free infinity-group:
- Judgmental computation rules
Uniqueness rules for the underlying type of the free infinity-group:
- Judgmental uniqueness rules
The elimination, typal computation, and typal uniqueness rules for the underlying type of the free infinity-group state that the underlying type of the free infinity-group satisfy the dependent universal property of the underlying type of the free infinity-group. If the dependent type theory also has dependent sum types and product types, allowing one to define the uniqueness quantifier, the dependent universal property of the underlying type of the free infinity-group could be simplified to the following rule:
H-space structure on the underlying type of the free infinity-group
The binary operation on the underlying type of the free infinity-group is defined by induction on the underlying type of the free infinity-group
Introduction rules for :
By uncurrying the equivalence of types one gets the binary operation
Computation rules for :
The underlying type of the free infinity-group of is a non-coherent H-space with respect to the unit found in the introduction rule of the underlying type of the free-infinity group and the binary operation defined above.
The left homotopy comes from the computation laws for the operation expressed above.
It remains to construct the right homotopy
See also