nLab vectorial bundle

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Special and general types

Special notions


Extra structure




topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)

see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory


Basic concepts

Universal constructions

Extra stuff, structure, properties


Basic statements


Analysis Theorems

topological homotopy theory



A vectorial bundle (Gomi 08) is a 2\mathbb{Z}_2-graded vector bundle EE of finite rank, equipped with an odd endomorphism h:EEh \;\colon\; E \to E. The homomorphisms of vectorial bundles are such that the endomorphism hh acts like canceling parts of the even and odd degree of EE against each other.

This way vectorial bundles lend themselves to the description of topological K-theory. In particular, they allow a geometric model for twisted K-theory.


For XX a topological space, the category VectrBund(X)VectrBund(X) of vectorial bundles on XX has

  • as objects (EhE)(E \stackrel{h}{\to} E) finite rank Hermitean 2\mathbb{Z}_2-graded vector bundles EXE\to X equipped with a self-adjoint endomorphism hh of odd degree. In matrix calculus

    E=(E 0 E 1) E = \left( \array{ E_{0} \\ E_{1} } \right)
    h=(0 h 10 h 01 0) h = \left( \array{ 0 & h_{10} \\ h_{01} & 0 } \right)
  • as morphisms ϕ:(E,h)(E,h)\phi : (E,h) \to (E',h) equivalence classes of morphisms ϕ:EE\phi \colon E \to E' of vector bundles such that

    E ϕ E h h E ϕ E, \array{ E &\stackrel{\phi}{\longrightarrow}& E \\ {}^{\mathllap{h}}\big\downarrow && \big\downarrow^{\mathrlap{h'}} \\ E &\stackrel{\phi}{\longrightarrow}& E } \,,

    where two such maps are regarded as equivalent, ϕϕ\phi \sim \phi', already if they coincide on the kernel of h x 2h^2_x for each point xx.

In particular, we have the following two important special cases:

  • the case that h=0h = 0 – in this case all eigenvalues of all h x 2h_x^2 are zero. and hence maps ϕ,ϕ:(E,0)(E,0)\phi, \phi' : (E,0) \to (E',0) represent the same morphism precisely if they are actually equal as morphisms ϕ,ϕ:EE\phi, \phi' : E \to E' of vector bundles.

    (Notice that there is only the 0-morphism (E,0)(E,h)(E,0) \to (E',h') for h0h' \neq 0.)

    This yields a canonical inclusion

    VectBund(X)VectrBund(X) VectBund(X) \hookrightarrow VectrBund(X)

    by sending E(E0E)E \mapsto (E \stackrel{0}{\to} E).

  • the case that E=(V V)E = \left( \array{V \\ V}\right) and h=(0 Id Id 0)h = \left( \array{ 0 & Id \\ Id & 0 } \right)

    Here E x| <μ<1=0E_x|_{\lt \mu \lt 1} = 0 and hence two morphisms ϕ,ϕ:(E,h)(E,h)\phi, \phi' : (E,h) \to (E',h') are identified already if they agree on the 0-vector. In other words, all morphisms out of such (E,h)(E,h) are identified. In particular they are all equal to the 0-morphism to (0,0)(0,0). Therefore the bundles of this form represent the 0-element.


Say two vectorial bundles (E,h)(E,h), (E,h)(E',h') on XX are concordant if there is a vectorial bundle on X×[0,1]X \times [0,1] which restricts to them at either end, respectively.

Let (E,h) = (E,h)^{\vee} = be the degree-reversed bundle to (E,h)(E,h).


There is a concordance

EE 0. E \oplus E^\vee \to 0 .


The definition of vectorial bundles is due to Furuta. It is recalled and applied to the study of K-theory and twisted K-theory in

Last revised on November 2, 2023 at 19:56:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.