topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)
see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory
Basic concepts
fiber space, space attachment
Extra stuff, structure, properties
Kolmogorov space, Hausdorff space, regular space, normal space
sequentially compact, countably compact, locally compact, sigma-compact, paracompact, countably paracompact, strongly compact
Basic statements
closed subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are equivalently compact subspaces
open subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are locally compact
compact spaces equivalently have converging subnet of every net
continuous metric space valued function on compact metric space is uniformly continuous
paracompact Hausdorff spaces equivalently admit subordinate partitions of unity
injective proper maps to locally compact spaces are equivalently the closed embeddings
locally compact and second-countable spaces are sigma-compact
Analysis Theorems
A topological space is called locally compact if every point has a compact neighbourhood.
Or rather, if one does not at the same time assume that the space is Hausdorff topological space, then one needs to require that these compact neighbourhoods exist in a controlled way, e.g. such that one may find them inside every prescribed open neighbourhood (def. 2.1 below) and possibily such that they are topological closures of smaller open neighbourhoods (def. 2.2 below).
There are various definitions in use, which all coincide if the space is also Hausdorff (prop. 2.3 below).
A locally compact Hausdorff space may also be called a local compactum; compare at compactum.
Local compactness is one of the conditions that are often required by default for working with topological spaces: locally compact spaces are a class of “nice topological spaces”.
Definition 2.1. (local compactness via compact neighbourhood base)
A topological space is locally compact if every point has a neighborhood base consisting of compact subspaces. This means that for every point every open neighbourhood contains a compact neighbourhood .
Definition 2.2. (local compactness via compact closures inside neighbourhoods)
A topological space is called locally compact if for every point and every open neighbourhood there exists a smaller open neighbourhood whose topological closure is compact and still contained in :
Proposition 2.3. If is a Hausdorff topological space then definition 2.1 is equivalent to definition 2.2.
Proof. Generally definition 2.2 implies definition 2.1. We need to show that Hausdorffness implies the converse.
Hence assume that for every point then every open neighbourhood contains a compact neighbourhood. We need to show that it then also contains the closure of a smaller open neighbourhood and such that this closure is compact.
So let be a compact neighbourhood. Being a neighbourhood, it has a non-trivial interior which is an open neighbourhood
Since compact subspaces of Hausdorff spaces are closed, it follows that is a closed subset. This implies that the topological closure of its interior as a subset of is still contained in (since the topological closure is the smallest closed subset containing the given subset): . Since subsets are closed in a closed subspace precisely if they are closed in the ambient space, is also closed as a subset of the compact subspace . Now since closed subsets of compact spaces are compact, it follows that this closure is also compact as a subspace of , and since continuous images of compact spaces are compact, it finally follows that it is also compact as a subspace of :
Remark 2.4. (remark on terminology)
As for compact spaces (this remark), some authors choose to include the Hausdorff condition as a matter of course, calling locally compact not-necessarily-Hausdorff spaces ‘locally quasi-compact’. We will not follow that convention here, but the reader should be warned that without the Hausdorff hypothesis, there are several inequivalent notions of local compactness in the literature; see the English Wikipedia for a survey and counterexamples.
Note, however, that a topological space satisfying Definition 2.2 is regular, because, as is immediate from the definition, closed neighbourhoods then form a neighbourhood basis of , which is equivalent to regularity. Thus we only need that be for it to in fact be Hausdorff.
Example 3.1. Every discrete space is locally compact.
Example 3.2. (open subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are locally compact)
Every open topological subspace of a compact Hausdorff space is a locally compact topological space.
In particular every compact Hausdorff space itself is locally compact.
Conversely, every locally compact Hausdorff space arises in this way, since it can be considered an open subspace in its one-point compactification . See there this example.
Example 3.3. The real numbers, complex numbers, and -adic completions of algebraic number fields (with respect to a prime ideal in the ring of integers) are locally compact. In positive characteristic , the field of Laurent series over a finite field with elements, topologized with respect to a discrete valuation, is locally compact. In fact, any non-discrete locally compact field must be of one of these types; they are called local fields.
Example 3.4. Finite product topological spaces of locally compact spaces are locally compact.
Example 3.5. Closed subspaces of locally compact spaces are locally compact. (Hence locally compact spaces form a finitely complete category.)
Example 3.6. (topological manifolds are locally compact topological spaces)
Topological manifolds, being locally homeomorphic to the Euclidean metric spaces , are locally compact, via examples 3.3 and 3.4.
This applies also to locally Euclidean spaces which are not necessarily paracompact Hausdorff topological spaces, such as the long line.
Example 3.7. (countably infinite products of non-compact spaces are NOT locally compact)
Let be a topological space which is not compact. Then the product topological space of a countably infinite set of copies of
is not locally compact.
Proof. Since the continuous image of a compact space is compact, and since the projection maps are continuous, it follows that every compact subspace of the product space is contained in one of the form
for compact.
But by the nature of the Tychonoff topology, a base for the topology on is given by subsets of the form
with open. Hence every compact neighbourhood in contains a subset of this kind, but if itself is non-compact, then none of these is contained in a product of compact subsets. ▮
Example 3.8. (non-example) The space of rational numbers as a subspace of the real numbers with the Euclidean topology is not locally compact since its compact subsets all have empty interior.
Proposition 4.1. (proper maps to locally compact spaces are closed)
be a topological space,
a locally compact topological space according to def. 2.2,
If is a proper map, then it is a closed map.
Perhaps the most important consequence of local compactness (as defined above) for categorical topology is that locally compact spaces are exponentiable, i.e., if is locally compact, then has a right adjoint . In fact, this is almost an abstract definition of local compactness: for sober spaces, local compactness is equivalent to being exponentiable. Cf. the situation for locales: a result of Hyland is that locale is locally compact if and only if it is exponentiable. (See exponential law for spaces and compact-open topology for more details.)
As noted above, locally compact spaces form a finitely complete full subcategory of . It is not true that arbitrary products of locally compact spaces are locally compact. However, some important examples of locally compact spaces are constructed as restricted direct products, as follows.
Let be a collection of pairs of spaces where each is locally compact and is a compact open subspace. The restricted direct product of the collection is the colimit of the filtered diagram consisting of spaces
where ranges over all finite subsets of , together with inclusions where . We observe that each of the is locally compact, and that a filtered colimit or union of a system of open inclusions of locally compact spaces is again locally compact. Therefore, restricted direct products are locally compact, under the hypotheses stated above.
These hypotheses are of course pretty severe; important examples of such restricted direct products include topologized adele rings and idele groups. In the case of adele rings, the collection of pairs is where is the -adic completion of a number field and is the -adic completion of the ring of integers .
In any event, the category of locally compact spaces does not admit general infinite products. If it did, then so would the category of locally compact Hausdorff spaces, and so would the category of locally compact Hausdorff abelian groups. However, there is no product of countably many copies of the real numbers in , for if there were, then by utilizing the universal property of the product, it would become a Hausdorff TVS over the real numbers, in contradiction to the fact that the only locally compact Hausdorff TVS are finite-dimensional.
Locally compact spaces are closed under coproducts in . They do not admit many types of colimits generally; in some sense this is a raison d'être for compactly generated topological spaces: they are precisely the colimits in of diagrams of locally compact spaces (see also Prop. below).
Proposition 4.2. Every locally compact Hausdorff space is compactly generated and weakly Hausdorff.
Proposition 4.3. The product topological space of a locally compact Hausdorff space with a k-space is already a k-space (i.e. without need of k-ification).
Proposition 4.4. (k-spaces are the quotient spaces of locally compact Hausdorff spaces)
A topological space is a k-space iff it is a quotient topological space of a locally compact Hausdorff space.
Proposition 4.5. (k-spaces are the colimits in Top of compact Hausdorff spaces)
A topological space is a k-space iff it is a colimit as formed in Top (according to this Prop.) of a diagram of compact Hausdorff spaces.
Under Gelfand duality the category of compact Hausdorff topological spaces is equivalent to the opposite category of commutative C-star algebras. With some care there are generalizations of this also to locally compact topological spaces. See at Gelfand duality for more.
Proposition 4.6. Locally compact Hausdorff spaces are paracompact whenever they are also second-countable.
Example 4.7. Locally compact Hausdorff spaces are completely regular topological spaces.
Remark 4.8. Example 4.7 plays a key role in discussion of slice theorems, see there for more.
compact topological space, countably compact topological space, paracompact topological space, locally compact topological space, strongly compact topological space
Textbook accounts:
James Dugundji, Section XI.6 of: Topology, Allyn and Bacon 1966 (pdf)
Ryszard Engelking, General Topology, Sigma series in pure mathematics 6, Heldermann 1989 (ISBN 388538-006-4)
Renzo A. Piccinini, Lectures on Homotopy Theory, Mathematics Studies 171, North Holland 1992 (ISBN:978-0-444-89238-6)
Further discussion in relation to compactly generated topological spaces:
Last revised on June 1, 2024 at 04:00:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.