nLab Berezin quantization


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The most mathematically precise and successful form of quantization, in the sense that all compact symplectic manifolds can be quantized using Berezin quantization, as shown in BorthwickUribe, and Toeplitz quantization is a special case. It is equivalent to path integral quantization. When the Kostant–Souriau operator is defined it agrees with Berezin quantization, except that Berezin quantization is defined on all observables, whereas on a generic Kahler manifold the Kostant–Souriau prequantum operators are trivial (generically, a genus g3g\ge 3 surface with the Kahler polarization has no automorphisms, so here the Kostant–Souriau maps are only defined on constants).


Let (M 2n,ω)(M^{2n},\omega) be a symplectic manifold. The basic ingredient of Berezin quantization is a map

q:MP()B()q:M\to P(\mathcal{H})\subset B(\mathcal{H})

such that

1 = Mqdμ,1_{\mathcal{H}}=\int_M q\,d\mu\,,

with respect to some measure dμd\mu which is approximately equal to ω n.\omega^n. Here, P()P(\mathcal{H}) is identified with rank–one projections and the integral should be interpreted weakly. There is a quantization map

Q f= MfqdμQ_f=\int_M f\,q\,d\mu

and an expectation–value map ,\langle\rangle,

A(x)=Tr(q(x)A).\langle A\rangle(x)=Tr(q(x)A)\;.

It follows that =Q ,\langle\rangle=Q^{\dagger}, and that both \langle\rangle and QQ preserve states. That is, if f0f\ge 0 and Mfdμ=1\int_M f\,d\mu=1 then Q f0Q_f\ge 0 and Tr(Q f)=1;Tr(Q_f)=1; if A0A\ge 0 and Tr(A)=1Tr(A)=1 then A0\langle A\rangle\ge 0 and MAdμ=1.\int_M\langle A\rangle\,d\mu=1.

Relationship to Geometric Quantization

The prequantum line bundle of geometric quantization is the pullback of the canonical bundle over P()P(\mathcal{H}) by q.q. If the Hamiltonian vector field of AC (P())\langle A\rangle\in C^{\infty}(P(\mathcal{H})) is tangent to qq (with respect to the Fubini–Study form) then AA is equal to the Kostant–Souriau operator.


Named after Felix Berezin.

Last revised on October 14, 2024 at 17:03:52. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.