quantum logic
linear logic, dependent linear type theory
string diagrams in †-compact categories
tensor networks
Bohr topos
order-theoretic structure
quantum probability
quantum physics
quantum systems
(parameterized, open)
quantum measurement
quantum state collapse
quantum decoherence
quantum adiabatic theorem
Berry phases
Dyson formula
quantum many-body physics
quantum field theory
functorial quantum field theory
algebraic quantum field theory
(non-)perturbative quantum field theory
solid state physics
quantum material
(topological) phases of matter
quantum probability theory – observables and states
classical state
quantum state
space of states (in geometric quantization)
state on a star-algebra, quasi-state
qbit, Bell state
dimer, tensor network state
quantum state preparation
probability amplitude, quantum fluctuation
pure state
wave function
Bell state
quantum superposition, quantum interference
quantum entanglement
wave function collapse
Born rule
deferred measurement principle
quantum reader monad
measurement problem
superselection sector
mixed state, density matrix
entanglement entropy
holographic entanglement entropy
coherent quantum state
ground state, excited state
quasi-free state
Fock space, second quantization
vacuum, vacuum state
Hadamard state
vacuum diagram
vacuum expectation value, vacuum amplitude, vacuum fluctuation
vacuum energy
vacuum polarization
interacting vacuum
thermal vacuum, KMS state
vacuum stability
theta vacuum
perturbative string theory vacuum
non-geometric string theory vacuum
landscape of string theory vacua
entangled state
tensor network state
matrix product state
tree tensor network state
quantum observable, beable
algebra of observables, star-algebra
quantum operator (in geometric quantization)
quantum operation, quantum effect, effect algebra
in quantum field theory
local observable
polynomial observable
linear observable
regular observable
microcausal observable
normal-ordered product, time-ordered products, retarded product
Wick algebra
scattering amplitude
interacting field algebra of observables, Bogoliubov's formula
GNS construction
order-theoretic structure in quantum mechanics
Gleason's theorem
Alfsen-Shultz theorem
Harding-Döring-Hamhalter theorem
Kochen-Specker theorem
Nuiten's lemma
Wigner's theorem
no-cloning theorem
Bell's theorem
quantum information
quantum information via dagger-compact categories
quantum operation, quantum channel
quantum teleportation
topological entanglement entropy
quantum technology
quantum sensing
quantum communication
quantum cryptography
quantum machine learning
quantum computing
qbit, qdit
quantum gate, quantum circuit
adiabatic quantum computation
measurement-based quantum computation
topological quantum computation
quantum programming language
quantum error correction
HaPPY code
Majorana dimer code
spin resonance qbit
quantum algorithms:
Grover's algorithm
Shor's algorithm
mean-field theory
Fock space
second quantization
particle statistics (bosons, fermions, anyons)
eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
solid-state physics
Laughlin wavefunction, anyon
Bose-Einstein condensate
tensor network
dimer model
AdS-CFT in condensed matter physics
Textbook accounts:
In a context of quantum optics:
In regards to tensor networks:
Last revised on January 26, 2025 at 16:36:00. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.