spin geometry, string geometry, fivebrane geometry …
rotation groups in low dimensions:
see also
group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
differential cohomology
A spin structure on a manifold with an orientation is a lift of the classifying map of the tangent bundle through the second step in the Whitehead tower of .
Spin structures derive their name from the fact that their existence on a space make the quantum anomaly for spinning particles propagating on vanish. See there.
Let , write
for the spin group group extension of the special orthogonal group in dimension . (All of the following also applies verbatim for Lorentzian signature).
for the crossed module of smooth groups induced by the spin group extension. Write
for the crossed module given by shifting up the group of order two in degree. Finally write
for the canonical morphism of crossed modules which is the terminal morphism in degree-1 and the defining projection in degree 0, and write
for the canonical morphism of crossed modules which is the identity in degree 1 and the terminal map in degree 0.
the left leg is a weak equivalence of smooth groupoids (under the identification of crossed modules with strict 2-groups). Under delooping it presents a morphism of smooth 2-groupoids of the form
from the universal moduli stack of smooth -principal bundles to that of -principal 2-bundles (-bundle gerbes). The homotopy fiber of this map in Smooth∞Grpd is , for the spin group regarded as a smooth group. Under geometric realization of cohesive ∞-groupoids this maps ti the universal second Stiefel-Whitney class
This is discussed in (dcct, section 5.1).
One checks that the homotopy fiber of in Smooth∞Grpd is , for the spin group regarded as a smooth group, for instance by using the techniques for computing homotopy pullbacks as discussed there. Moreover, by the general discussion at smooth ∞-groupoid – structures this homotopy fiber is preseved under geometric realization of cohesive ∞-groupoids so that the homotopy fiber of is the classifying space . Since is connected, this characterizes as .
Given a smooth manifold with an orientation, its oriented tangent bundle is modulated by a map
Postcomposition with from prop. gives a map in Smooth∞Grpd of the form
This modulates a -principal 2-bundle on , also called a -bundle gerbe. By construction (the universal property of the homotopy fiber) this is the obstruction to the existence of a lift in
Such a lift is a choice of spin structure on . Therefore as bundle gerbes, this is also called a lifting bundle gerbe.
From the perspective of lifting bundle gerbes, spin structures are discussed in (Murray-Singer 03).
For a manifold, the groupoid/homotopy 1-type of spin structures over is the homotopy fiber in ∞Grpd Top of the second Stiefel-Whitney class
Here an object over an -principal bundle on is called a spin structure on ( is the special orthogonal group).
For the -principal bundle for which the tangent bundle is the canonically associated bundle, one says that a spin-structure on is a spin structure on the manifold .
From the smooth geometric perspective on spin structures of remark one may also start with an affine connection on the tangent bundle given, principally, by an -principal connection which in turn is modulated by a map in
But since is a discrete group, there is no non-flat -principal 2-connection and hence no non-trivial “differential refinement” of .
Beware that sometimes in the physics literature an -principal connection is already called a “spin connection” (due to the fact that often in physics only local data is connsidered, and locally there is no difference between -principal connections and -principal connections, up to equivalence.)
In analogy to how an orientation of a real vector space equipped with an inner product is equivalently an isometry between the top exterior power of and the real numbers, so a spin structure on a real vector space equipped with an inner product is an isomorphism in the 2-category of algebras, bimodules, and intertwiners (see here) from the Clifford algebra of to the Clifford algebra of the real vector space of the same dimension with the canonical inner product.
Spin structures naturally form a category, with morphisms being (isometric) isomorphisms of bimodules as described above.
Over a Riemann surface spin structures correspond to square roots of the canonical bundle. See at Theta characteristic.
More generally:
A spin structure on a compact Hermitian manifold (Kähler manifold) of complex dimension exists precisely if, equivalently
there is a choice of square root of the canonical line bundle (a “Theta characteristic”);
there is a trivialization of the first Chern class of the tangent bundle.
In this case one has:
There is a natural isomorphism
of the sheaf of sections of the spinor bundle on with the tensor product of the Dolbeault complex with the corresponding Theta characteristic;
Moreover, the corresponding Dirac operator is the Dolbeault-Dirac operator .
This is due to (Hitchin 74). A textbook account is for instance in (Friedrich 74, around p. 79 and p. 82).
In the context of quantum field theory the existence of a spin structure on a Riemannian manifold arises notably as the condition for quantum anomaly cancellation of the sigma-model for the spinning particle – the superparticle – propagating on .
It is the generalization of this anomaly computation from the worldlines of superparticles to superstrings that leads to string structure, and then further the generalizaton to the worldvolume anomaly of fivebranes that leads to fivebrane structure.
The 2-sphere is famously a complex manifold: the Riemann sphere. One standard way to exhibit the complex structure is to cover with two copies of the complex plane with coordinate transition functions on the overlap given by
The 2-sphere is moreover a Kähler manifold and of course compact. Therefore by prop. a spin structure on is equivalently a square root of the canonical line bundle , which here is simply the holomorphic 1-form bundle.
Now hermitian complex line bundles on the 2-sphere are classified by . By the clutching construction a line bundle given by two trivializing sections of the trivial line bundle on the coordinate patch has class the winding number of the transition function
Now the canonical section of the holomorphic 1-form bundle on is simply the canonical 1-form itself. By the above coordinate charts we have on
and so the transition function of the canonical bundle in this local trivialization is
This has winding number . Therefore the first Chern class of the holomorphic 1-form bundle is (the sign being an arbitrary convention, determined by the identification ).
And so it follows that there is a unique spin structure, namely given by choosing to be the line bundle on with first Chern class .
To construct by local sections analogous to how we got from the two sections and , slice open to and consider one of the two as a local section of the trivial complex line bundle. Do the same on the other patch. Then
This is well defined also over the cut and so we can patch the cut with any small neighbourhood with any section chosen over it and conclude that these sections are the local sections locally trivializing a bundle of class and hence that of .
Notice also that the canonical vector field on the first patch given by transforms on the overlap to
and hence continues canonically to a well-defined vector field on all of . If is the rank line bundle on given by the clutching construction by the transition function , then holomorphic sections of this bundle are expressed in terms of canonical bases , with satisfying
and hence for
This gives a -dimensional space of holomorphic sections.
For more along these lines see also at geometric quantization of the 2-sphere.
The n-sphere, for each , carries a canonical spin structure, induced from its coset space-realization (here), as a special case of the canonical -structure on (this example).
Other ways to see this:
Nikolai Nowaczyk, Theorem A.6.6 in: Dirac Eigenvalues of higher Multiplicity (arXiv:1501.04045)
S. Gutt, Killing spinors on spheres and projective spaces, p. 238-248 in: A. Trautman, G. Furlan (eds.) Spinors in Geometry and Physics – Trieste 11-13 September 1986, World Scientific 1988 (doi:10.1142/9789814541510, GBooks, p. 243)
Spin structures are one step in a tower of conditions that are related to the quantum anomaly cancellation of higher dimensional spinning/super branes.
This is controled by the Whitehead tower of the classifying space/delooping of the orthogonal group , which starts out as
where the stages are the deloopings of
… fivebrane group string group spin group special orthogonal group orthogonal group,
where lifts through the stages correspond to
and where the obstruction classes are the universal characteristic classes
and where every possible square in the above is a homotopy pullback square (using the pasting law).
Notice that for instance is identified as such by using that preserves homotopy pullbacks and sends to a equivalence, so that is an isomorphism on the second homotopy group and hence by the Hurewicz theorem is also an isomorphism on the cohomology group . Analogously for the other characteristic maps.
In summary, more concisely, the tower is
where each “hook” is a fiber sequence.
(all hooks are homotopy fiber sequences)
Standard texbooks include
H. Blaine Lawson, Marie-Louise Michelsohn, chapter II of Spin geometry, Princeton University Press (1989)
Thomas Friedrich, Dirac operators in Riemannian geometry, Graduate studies in mathematics 25, AMS (1997)
Concerning the action of diffeomorphisms on spin structures:
and specifically concerning the action of the modular group on spin structures over closed surfaces:
A discussion of the full groupoid of spin structures is in
Discussion of lifting bundle gerbes for spin structures:
Discussion of spin structures in terms of smooth moduli stacks as above is in
Discussion of spin structures on surfaces is in
See also this MO comment.
Discussion of spin structure on Kähler manifolds is in
A textbook account is in (Friedrich 97, section 3.4)
A survey is also at
Spin manifolds (pdf)
Spin structures on orbifolds:
Daniel J. Acosta, A Furuta-like inequality for spin orbifolds and the minimal genus problem, Topology and its Applications Volume 114, Issue 1, 16 July 2001, Pages 91-106 (doi:10.1016/S0166-8641(00)00030-4)
Chongying Dong, Kefeng Liu, Xiaonan Ma, On orbifold elliptic genus (pdf), p. 87-105 In: Alejandro Adem, Jack Morava, Yongbin Ruan, Orbifolds in Mathematics and Physics, Contemporary Mathematics 310 AMS (2002)(ams:conm-310)
Florin Belgun, Nicolas Ginoux, Hans-Bert Rademacher, A Singularity Theorem for Twistor Spinors, Annales de l’Institut Fourier, Volume 57 (2007) no. 4, p. 1135-1159 (arXiv:math/0409136, numdam:AIF_2007__57_4_1135_0)
Discussions of spin structures as anomaly cancellation for the spinning particle (see also the references hereuantum mechanics#ReferencesRelationToMorseTheory) at supersymmetric quantum mechanics):
Edward Witten, p. 65-68 in: Global anomalies in string theory, in: W. Bardeen and A. White (eds.) Symposium on Anomalies, Geometry, Topology, World Scientific (1985) 61-99 [pdf, spire:214913]
Luis Alvarez-Gaumé, p. 165 of: Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, Comm. Math. Phys. 90 2 (1983) 161-173 [doi:10.1007/BF01205500, euclid]
Daniel Friedan, P. Windey, Supersymmetric derivation of the Atiyah-Singer index and the chiral anomaly, Nucl. Phys. B 235 (1984) 395 [doi:10.1016/0550-3213(84)90506-6]
Last revised on March 25, 2025 at 18:22:10. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.