nLab quantum technology

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Quantum systems

quantum logic

quantum physics

quantum probability theoryobservables and states

quantum information

quantum technology

quantum computing



While much of contemporary technology is based on effects of quantum physicstransistors notably, hence electronic computers, but also lasers and much more — these results of the technological “first quantum revolution” still largely operate on macroscopic quantum systems. Under quantum technologies proper one now understands – anticipating or already beholding a “second quantum revolution” (Dowling & Milburn 2003) – technologies which make use of (arrangements of) individual and individually controlled coherent quantum systems, such as in the archetyical form of individual qbits.

Among quantum technologies (existing or anticipated) one counts notably

and, ultimately, universal

and other incarnations of quantum information theory in quantum materials.

Often underappreciated is that quantum technologies appear in two kinds, which may be called:

the two kinds of quantum technologies

(1.) quantum effects, relying on single (even if oft repeated) quantum events (such as single quantum measurements),

(2.) quantum processes, being the more delicate coherent concatenation of many quantum events.

The key practical difference is that quantum effects are application-ready and are already being commercially applied (e.g. in quantum key distribution), while for quantum processes (most forms of quantum computing) to scale-up beyond toy examples (namely beyond current “NISQ” machines) will require solutions to the problem of stabilization or error suppression, either after the fact by software-level quantum error correction, or, more ambitiously, right at the hardware-level by fundamental quantum topology (“topological quantum computing”).


See also:

Created on February 15, 2025 at 08:38:15. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.