topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)
see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory
Basic concepts
open subset, closed subset, neighbourhood
topological space, locale
base for the topology, neighbourhood base
finer/coarser topology
closure, interior, boundary
separation, sobriety
continuous function, homeomorphism
uniformly continuous function
open map, closed map
sequence, net, sub-net, filter
Universal constructions
Extra stuff, structure, properties
nice topological space
metric space, metric topology, metrisable space
Kolmogorov space, Hausdorff space, regular space, normal space
sober space
compact space, proper map
sequentially compact, countably compact, locally compact, sigma-compact, paracompact, countably paracompact, strongly compact
compactly generated space
second-countable space, first-countable space
contractible space, locally contractible space
connected space, locally connected space
simply-connected space, locally simply-connected space
cell complex, CW-complex
pointed space
topological vector space, Banach space, Hilbert space
topological group
topological vector bundle, topological K-theory
topological manifold
empty space, point space
discrete space, codiscrete space
Sierpinski space
order topology, specialization topology, Scott topology
Euclidean space
cylinder, cone
sphere, ball
circle, torus, annulus, Moebius strip
polytope, polyhedron
projective space (real, complex)
classifying space
configuration space
path, loop
mapping spaces: compact-open topology, topology of uniform convergence
Zariski topology
Cantor space, Mandelbrot space
Peano curve
line with two origins, long line, Sorgenfrey line
K-topology, Dowker space
Warsaw circle, Hawaiian earring space
Basic statements
Analysis Theorems
topological homotopy theory
Type theory
1. Idea
Traditionally, in mathematics and in formal topology the cover is a relation between elements of a poset and subtypes of . However, that definition is impredicative, since it requires quantifiying over subtypes. There is another definition of a cover as a relation between elements of and dependent pairs consisting of an -small index type and an embedding of types from into . However, this definition requires an existing type universe in the type theory, and not all foundations of mathematics have type universes. Nonetheless, one could annotate the cover relation using the index type of the family , in the same way that one annotates the identity types of a type with the index type in the absence of type universes. This results in a type family between elements and embeddings for every single type , and is akin to using the stack semantics of the type theory.
2. Definition
Ayberk Tosun in Tosun 2020 defined a formal topology as a poset with families of types , and a dependent function
such that
- for all , , and ,
- for all and , implies that for all one can construct such that for all , one can construct such that .
If one has a type universe , then the locally -small inductive cover relation is given by
If one doesn’t have type universes, then given a type , the inductive cover relation for is a higher inductive type family between elements and embeddings of types generated by the constructors
Families of types are equivalently functions , so one can express the above definition in terms of single types. A formal topology is a poset with a set , a function , a set with a function and a function , such that
- for all ,
- for all and , if , then for all , implies that one can construct a such that implies that for all , implies that one can construct a such that implies .
If one has a type universe , then the locally -small inductive cover relation is given by
If one doesn’t have type universes, then given given a type , the cover relation for is a higher inductive type family between elements and embeddings of types generated by the constructors
For the real numbers
For covers over the real numbers, one can use a generalized defintion and simply work with pairs of ratonal numbers numbers and arbitrary functions instead of embeddings.
We first define the following relations and operations on pairs of rational numbers:
The inductive covers are generated by the following inference rules:
Formation rules for inductive covers:
Introduction rules for inductive covers:
Elimination rules for inductive covers:
Computation rules for inductive covers:
3. Properties
The Heine-Borel theorem holds for inductive covers.
Every inductive cover on the real numbers is a pointwise cover on the real numbers. Assuming excluded middle, every pointwise cover is an inductive cover.
4. See also
5. References