nLab Heisenberg model

Redirected from "Haldane phase".


Solid state physics

Quantum systems

quantum logic

quantum physics

quantum probability theoryobservables and states

quantum information

quantum technology

quantum computing



In solid state physics

In solid state physics, the Heisenberg model is spin chain-model for magnetic quantum materials.

The Heisenberg model is akin to the Ising model, but where the latter only has internal symmetry-group / 2 \mathbb{Z}/2 (spin flips along one axis), the Heisenberg model has the full Spin(3) \simeq SU(2)-group of internal symmetries acting on spin representations located at each of the “sites” of the model.

There are generalizations of the model with SU ( N ) SU(N) -internal symmetry for any NN \in \mathbb{N}.

In SYM theory and AdS/CFT

As an abstract model, the Heisenberg spin chain has a curious re-incarnation as describing the dynamics of BMN operators in D=4 N=4 super Yang-Mills theory under the dilatation operator in the large-N limit of the AdS/CFT correspondence. See here for more.


Symmetry protected topological phase

The Heisenberg model has a curious internal-symmetry protected topological phase, observed in Haldane 1983 and hence known as the Haldane phase.



See also:


On symmetry protected topological phases of the Heisenberg model:

Created on May 16, 2022 at 17:00:24. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.