This entry is about the notion of spans/correspondences which generalizes that of relations. For spans in vector spaces or modules, see linear span.
Rel, bicategory of relations, allegory
left and right euclidean;
extensional, well-founded relations.
natural deduction metalanguage, practical foundations
type theory (dependent, intensional, observational type theory, homotopy type theory)
computational trinitarianism =
propositions as types +programs as proofs +relation type theory/category theory
Transfors between 2-categories
Morphisms in 2-categories
Structures in 2-categories
Limits in 2-categories
Structures on 2-categories
In set theory, a span or correspondence between sets and is a set with a function to the product set . A span between a set and itself is a directed pseudograph, which is used to define categories in set theory.
In dependent type theory, there is a distinction between a span, a multivalued partial function, and a correspondence:
A span between types and is a type with families of elements and
A multivalued partial function from type to type is a type family with a family of elements
A correspondence between types and is a type family .
However, from any one of the above structures, one could get the other two structures, provided one has identity types and dependent pair types in the dependent type theory. Given a type family , let and be the dependent pair projections for the dependent pair type .
From every span one could get a multivalued partial function by defining the type family as and the family of elements as .
From every multivalued partial function one could get a span by defining the type as and the family of elements as .
From every multivalued partial function one could get a correspondence by defining the type family as .
From every correspondence one could get a multivalued partial function by defining the type family as , and the family of elements as
From every span one could get a correspondence by defining the type family as .
From every correspondence one could get a span by defining the type as , the family of elements as , and the function as
Given types , , and and spans between and and between and , there is a span
defined by
Given types , , and and correspondences and , there is a correspondence defined by
In any category , a span, or roof, or correspondence, from an object to an object is a diagram of the form
where is some other object of the category. (The word “correspondence” is also sometimes used for a profunctor.)
This diagram is also called a ‘span’ because it looks like a little bridge; ‘roof’ is similar. The term ‘correspondence’ is prevalent in geometry and related areas; it comes about because a correspondence is a generalisation of a binary relation.
Note that a span with is just a morphism from to , while a span with is a morphism from to . So, a span can be thought of as a generalization of a morphism in which there is no longer any asymmetry between source and target.
A span in the opposite category is called a co-span in .
A span that has a cocone is called a coquadrable span.
If the category has pullbacks, we can compose spans. Namely, given a span from to and a span from to :
we can take a pullback in the middle:
and obtain a span from to :
This way of composing spans lets us define a bicategory Span with:
This is a weak 2-category: it has a nontrivial associator: composition of spans is not strictly associative, because pullbacks are defined only up to canonical isomorphism. A naturally defined strict 2-category which is equivalent to is the strict 2-category of linear polynomial functors between slice categories of .
(Note that we must choose a specific pullback when defining the composite of a pair of morphisms in , if we want to obtain a bicategory as traditionally defined; this requires the axiom of choice. Otherwise we obtain a bicategory with ‘composites of morphisms defined only up to canonical iso-2-morphism’; such a structure can be modeled by an anabicategory or an opetopic bicategory?.)
We can also obtain a pseudo-double category?, whose loose structure is as above, whose tight morphisms are functions, and whose cells are commuting diagrams,
Moreover, when is an arbitrary category, not necessarily having pullbacks, one can still obtain a covirtual double category. More details can be found in Section 4 of Dawson, Paré, Pronk (where the term oplax double category is used).
Let be a category with pullbacks and let be the 1-category of objects of and isomorphism classes of spans between them as morphisms.
Next assume that is a cartesian monoidal category. Then clearly naturally becomes a monoidal category itself, but more: then
We discuss the universal property that characterizes 2-categories of spans.
For be a category with pullbacks, write
for the weak 2-category of objects of , spans as morphisms, and maps between spans as 2-morphisms,
for the functor given by:
Now let
be any bicategory
be functors such that every map in is sent to a map in possessing a right adjoint and satisfying the Beck-Chevalley Condition for any commutative square in ,
be a natural transformation.
(universal property of the bicategory of spans)
The following holds:
is universal among such functors , i.e. as above factors as for a functor which is unique up to isomorphism.
There exists a unique lax natural transformation: such that .
Let be objects in and be a morphism in . If induce a pseudo-map of adjoints , then is a pseudonatural transformation
Furthermore, if we denote as the 2-category of categories with pullbacks, pullback-preserving functors, and equifibered natural transformations and as the tricategory of bicategories, is well-defined as a functor.
Since a category of spans/correspondences is evidently equivalent to its opposite category, it follows that to the extent that limits exists they are also colimits and vice versa.
If the underlying category is an extensive category, then the coproduct/product in is given by the disjoint union in . (See also this MO discussion).
More generally, every van Kampen colimit in is a (co)limit in — and conversely, this property characterizes van Kampen colimits. (Sobocinski-Heindel 11).
Correspondences may be seen as generalizations of relations. A relation is a correspondence which is (-1)-truncated as a morphism into the cartesian product. See at relation and at Rel for more on this.
When is a locally cartesian closed category, is a closed bicategory: see there for details.
Spans in FinSet behave like the categorification of matrices with entries in the natural numbers: for a span of finite sets, the cardinality of the fiber over any two elements and plays the role of the corresponding matrix entry. Under this identification composition of spans indeed corresponds to matrix multiplication. This implies that the category of spans of finite sets is equivalent to the Lawvere theory of commutative monoids, that is, to the PROP for the free bicommutative bialgebra. Spans over finite sets is a rig category with respect to the tensor products induced by the coproduct and product in FinSet. The coproduct in FinSet remains the coproduct, but the product becomes the bilinear tensor product of modules.
The Burnside category is essentially the category of correspondences in G-sets for a finite group.
A cobordism from to is an example of a cospan in the category of smooth manifolds. However, composition of cobordisms is not quite the pushout-composition of these cospans: to make the composition be a smooth manifold again some extra technical aspects must be added (“collars”).
In prequantum field theory (see there for details), spans of stacks model trajectories of fields.
The category of Chow motives has as morphisms equivalence classes of linear combinations of spans of smooth projective varieties.
The Weinstein symplectic category has as morphisms Lagrangian correspondences between symplectic manifolds.
More generally symplectic dual pairs are correspondences between Poisson manifolds.
Cospans of homomorphisms of C*-algebras represent morphisms in KK-theory (by Cuntz’ result).
Correspondences of flag manifolds play a role as twistor correspondences, see at Schubert calculus – Correspondences and at horocycle correspondence
The Fourier-Mukai transform is a pull-push operation through correspondences equipped with objects in a cocycle given by an object in a derived category of quasi-coherent sheaves.
A hypergraph is a span from a set of vertices to a set of (hyper)edges.
A category of correspondences is a refinement of a category Rel of relations. See there for more.
The terminology “span” appears on page 533 of:
The construction was introduced by Jean Bénabou (as an example of a bicategory) in
Bénabou cites an article by Yoneda (1954) for introducing the concept of span (in the category of categories).
An exposition discussing the role of spans in quantum theory:
The relationship between spans and bimodules is briefly discussed in
The relation to van Kampen colimits is discussed in
The universal property of categories of spans is due to
and further discussed in:
R. Dawson, Robert Paré, Dorette Pronk, Universal properties of Span, Theory and Appl. of Categories 13, 2004, No. 4, 61-85, TAC, MR2005m:18002
R. Dawson, Robert Paré, Dorette Pronk, The span construction, Theory Appl. Categ. 24 (2010), No. 13, 302–377, TAC MR2720187
Charles Walker?, Universal properties of bicategories of polynomials, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223.9 (2019): 3722-3777.
Charles Walker?, Bicategories of spans as generic bicategories, arXiv:2002.10334 (2020).
See also Theorem 5.2.1 and 5.3.7 of:
The structure of a monoidal tricategory on spans in 2-categories is discussed in
Generally, an (∞,n)-category of spans is indicated in section 3.2 of
Last revised on March 25, 2025 at 14:07:56. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.